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Julia Wieniawa reveals: “I used to go to the walls because they didn’t pay me for it. I liked to look my best!”

Julia Wieniawa recently she was a guest in the Journalist podcast, where she spared no personal confessions. The celebrity told, among others about the unsuccessful relationship with the Baron and the current relationship with Nikodem Rozbicki. Wieniawa did not regret her beloved “Nikuś” compliments, praising, for example, the fact that that her lovable “is not celebrity at all”. By the way, Julka revealed that she herself has recently changed her approach to visiting salons and appearing on the next walls “does not eat it anymore”.

(…) Before the pandemic, I was often on the walls, because they just paid me for them, so I went to them and I earned money this way (…). I liked to dress up there and put on a show, and I always have my best fucking look on those walls. Superfun (…), but I was tired of it, it doesn’t tickle my ego at all. People started to associate me with professional stuff, not smiling on the wall. I changed my strategy – she boasted.

In conversation Julia Wieniawa she also referred to indiscriminate comments about her own popularity and “jumping out of the refrigerator”. The celebrity assured that she was never really driven by the desire to earn money or gain fame.

It was me who pushed myself on the poster … Damn, it pissed me off: “Yeah, damn it pops out of the fridge be careful not to jump out of the fridge. ” Excuse me, what am I supposed to reject the cool offers? Hell, I rejected 3/4 of the proposals anyway … I am a person who needs to act and I have never been motivated by money. Never at all (…). Neither popularity. Those were the side effects. I was only always motivated by action (…), proving that I am worth something that I can do more than just smile nicely on Instagram – she confessed.

Wieniawa also remembered the beginning of her career. The celebrity emphasized that he does not come from a poor family, but also she did not grow up in a home where her every whim was satisfied and from an early age she learned to save. She conscientiously put aside her first acting salaries and finally allocated them to buy an apartment.


I remember that I just had to beg my parents for the first Converse (…) and somehow I succeeded (…). For the first salary from “Rodzinki.pl” I bought myself a better computer and collected the rest on my account to have a good start on the 18th. And this good start turned out to be just the first apartment (…). I have never been a wasteful person, only when when I felt that I had financial stability, I started to do well – she betrayed.

It also turns out that Julka is convinced that she is in the Polish show business there is actually no competition for it.

Everyone asks me, “What’s your phenomenon”? I have no idea where it came from or did I have a moment like this where there was a demand for such a person and I gave the supply (…). On the other hand, there is no one like me my age. I have no pure competition (…). Well, show me a girl who is my competition, strictly mine. Who, who? – she asked the leader.

When the journalist interjected that the celebrity works on many levels, the celebrity quickly picked up the topic and began to mention numerous talents:


I am singing and dancing and playing, and I will sell you some clothes under my brand. I am multi-faceted and I always wanted to, I hated to pigeonhole myself. That’s why I’m such a hot topic (…), that’s why everyone is so interested in me – she assured.

In the interview, Julka also revealed that she had always had big dreams and she had believed in affirmation since she was a child. And so, walking down the corridor in elementary school, a future celebrity she thought about her bright future.

(…) I’m walking down the corridor and I’m thinking: “Hmm … God, someday I will have an amazing life, I will experience something that hardly anyone will be able to survive” (…). I knew my dreams would come true – she recalled.

While hosting the podcast, Wieniawa also touched on the topic of online activities. The 22-year-old admitted that she does not like the term “influencer” because she associates it with “people who do nothing”. Online activity gives her great professional freedom – both financially and comfortably in rejecting unwanted proposals.


This is too * ebiste. I do what I want … I used to be like this that I gotta get drunk and my mother (…) cooled me down then. Now I have a feeling: “And I don’t want to, if they don’t feel like doing my way, let them sleep * sleep” (…). I am grateful that I have this opportunity, because I know that there are many great actors out of school who do not have these opportunities and they must wander these tapeworms (…) and play in advertisements for fart tablets, apologizing – she said.

Julka admitted that at the beginning of her career she received an offer of roles in two popular series and participation in “Dancing with the Stars”. The celebrity felt that this could be a unique opportunity for her, however, her relatives persuaded her to wait for better offers, which paid off exceptionally in the long run.

I had the following: “Oh, fuck, fuck, if it never happens again, this is the moment, I have to take it.” And my mother says: “But Julia, you aim a little higher, you want to play it? You know it’s not good.” My mother and boyfriend at the time told me, “Don’t do this, something better will come.” I turned down and got roles in two films (…). I think if I took these things, I wouldn’t be so hot anymore. I would be such a tapeworm doll (…) that is not a cool series at all, right? – she argued.


Listen to the latest episode of Pudelek Podcast!


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