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Journalists asked Shoigu’s son-in-law, Medvedev’s son and other relatives of the Russian mobilization elite

I do not rule out the possibility that this could happen “, explained the minister’s son.

It has already been reported that judging by the statements of the Ukrainian side and some news from Russia, the Ministry of Defense is secretly continuing the mobilization, masking it with the creation of volunteer units, concluded the US Institute for the Study of War ( ISW).

According to ISW, the Russian military is likely to continue the short-term covert mobilization and mask with the creation of long-term volunteer units.

At the same time, the Russian military is unable to provide weapons and supplies, train and sometimes even feed many of the mobilized, who have not yet been sent to war, ISW analysts conclude, gathering information obtained from Russia and Ukraine. .

ISW analysts believe reservists who have already been sent to the front are sometimes clearly used irrationally. Relying mainly on Ukrainian statements, the ISW concluded that the leadership of the Russian army accelerated the attacks in the direction of Vuhledar and Bakhmut, sending insufficient forces there, including mobilized ones, as a result of which they suffered heavy losses.

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