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Josef: We can be rivals, but we can never be enemies

Josef, who wrote “Can you spare a minute for me, please” in the description section, included the following statements:

“Life is like breathing; everything is not under your control, no one can guarantee that we will wake up tomorrow morning. We are not in control of planning our tomorrow.

Chapter 16 reads: “People can plan, but God has the last word.”

Thinking about what happened today, I decided to reconsider my own life.

Am I the best father for your children? Am I the best son to my parents? Am I the best husband for my wife? Or do I treat people in a nice way, the way they want?

There are two great commandments in the Bible that sum up everything very clearly: Love God with your whole heart and those around you just as you love yourself.

We may be rivals, but we can never be enemies; we get angry at each other, we make jokes, but we never want our bad; We do not return evil with evil and enjoy life to the fullest because we always know that life will end one day and only what we have done will remain in this world.

Love more, respect more; review your mistakes. Whether you are poor or rich, famous or unknown, know that life is very short and everything depends on God.”

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