Home » today » News » Jonathan angry after the cancellation of the Foire du Midi: “I’m not leaving until I have been compensated”

Jonathan angry after the cancellation of the Foire du Midi: “I’m not leaving until I have been compensated”

The mayor of the City of Brussels, Philippe Close, decided on Monday to completely cancel the next (already shortened) edition of the Foire du Midi, which was to be held from August 1 to 30. “It is no longer possible to hold this event given the new measures defined by the National Security Council”, who met earlier today, the mayor announced on Twitter Monday afternoon.

Last episode of a day rich in twists and turns, the fairgrounds discovered this afternoon the tweet of Philippe Close in which he announces the cancellation of the fair. They had dreaded her for long hours, an interminable wait. “It’s a very big disappointment. The bourgmestre has always been on our side. He had always promised us that the fair would take place without a hitch. It’s really a total misunderstanding”, said Christophe, the owner of two attractions.

I’m not leaving until I’ve been compensated

The 130 fairgrounds of the Foire du Midi began their installations at the end of last week. Everything had to be ready for the opening on Saturday. This morning everything was brought to a standstill pending a political decision.

“There are 70 tons of metal here around you. The work is considerable. There are four trailers full of material. You have to get everything out, you have to put everything in place, the convoys to do. That represents thousands. euros. I’m not leaving until I have been compensated. We have to find common ground “says Jonathan, the owner of an attraction, who does not hide his anger.

This investment was one of the last Jonathan could afford. These boxes are almost empty today. It has been many months since he was able to work. He denounces a decision that he considers inconsistent.

“We can’t open, Walibi must close, Pairi Daiza must close … Why them, they have the right to open and not us?”, he asks himself.

The Foire du Midi is one of the most important in the country, one of the most profitable too. A delegation of fairgrounds will meet the mayor of Brussels tomorrow morning.

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