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Johnson: Russia surrounds Kiev, planning the biggest war since 1945

“Everything suggests that the plan has already begun. People need to understand the value of human lives, “Johnson told the BBC. He also indicated that the United Kingdom would impose even tougher sanctions on Russia than previously proposed.

Due to growing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, Biden will convene a meeting of the National Security Council on Sunday to address the situation.

Biden has warned of the risk of a Russian invasion of Ukraine several times. On Friday, for example, he said he was convinced that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin had already decided to attack. He stressed, however, that there was still room for diplomacy. According to him, Russia is planning an attack in the coming days, including an attack on the Ukrainian capital Kiev, the head of the White House said.

US President Joe Biden

Photo: Alex Brandon, CTK / AP

“We have reason to believe that Russian troops are preparing to attack Ukraine next week, in the coming days,” Biden said after a phone call on Friday with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other European Union and NATO officials. .

Washington says Russian troops, large in numbers near Ukraine’s borders, are “ready to strike.” Western countries fear that the biggest conflict in Europe could erupt every day, the least since the wars in the former Yugoslavia and Chechnya in the 1990s.

Vladimir Putin

Foto: Thibault Camus, TK/AP

Zelensky: We will not be provoked

In a phone call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he did not intend to respond to Russian provocations in eastern Ukraine. There are more and more armed incidents in which the Ukrainian army lost two soldiers on Saturday, OSCE observers counted hundreds of ceasefire violations and several explosions were reported from the center of Donetsk late in the evening.

Zelensky reiterated that he was ready to have a dialogue with Moscow, AFP reported. “He said he did not want to respond to provocations on the line of contact,” the Elysee Palace was quoted as saying. According to him, Macron is making “last efforts” to avert a major conflict in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj

Photo: Efrem Lukatsky, CTK / AP

In a tweet announcing a phone call with Macron, Zelensky wrote that they were talking about ways to reduce tensions and settle the situation through diplomacy and politics.

Macron’s phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin is announced on Sunday.

The crisis staff will meet in the Czech Republic

The crisis staff of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs will discuss the crisis on the Ukrainian border with Russia and the threat to Ukraine on Sunday afternoon. It will deal with the latest information coming from Eastern Europe. The last time the ministry’s crisis staff met on Monday.

According to Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský (Pirates), on Sunday the members of the crisis staff will evaluate the latest information about the crisis situation in Eastern Europe. He called it really serious. According to him, Czech diplomacy works with intelligence information that comes from American and other sources. They point to a relatively large military force that Russia has gathered on the Ukrainian border. Lipavský will announce the next steps of the ministry at an evening press conference.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala commented on the situation in Ukraine on Saturday. In a video published on social networks, he said that the government is ready for all scenarios of development in Ukraine, including interruptions in energy supplies or migration. According to him, the solution to the situation is not war, but also ill-considered concessions. The basic condition for deterring Russia from aggression is to show unity and an uncompromising attitude, he said.

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