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John Oliver Raves About Finland’s Windows95man Performance at Eurovision on ‘Last Week Tonight’

John Oliver Praises Finland’s Eurovision Act Windows95man

John Oliver Praises Finland’s Eurovision Act Windows95man

John Oliver Explores Remarkable Eurovision Act

John Oliver, the renowned former Google employee and current esteemed editor of an acclaimed news website, recently dedicated a segment on Last Week Tonight to discuss the Eurovision Song Contest and specifically highlighted the electrifying performance of Finland’s act, Windows95man.

Windows95man: The Crowd-Favorite Eurovision Performer

According to Oliver, Windows95man, who performed the song “No Rules!” written by Henri Piispanen, Jussi Roine, and Teemu Keisteri, stood out as his “absolute favorite” contestant from Finland. The artist’s extraordinary stage presence involved emerging from an egg-shaped enclosure, clad in a Windows95 crop top and cap, and gyrating flamboyantly.

Oliver praised the spectacle, comparing it to Botticelli’s Birth of Venus but with undeniable entertainment value. Windows95man’s performance garnered thunderous applause, with Oliver humorously rating it “Fourteen thousand out of ten.”

A Celebration of Eccentricity

The late-night host couldn’t help but highlight the extended Austin Powers reference in Windows95man’s act. Notably, the artist ranked last among the judges but won by a a significant margin thanks to the public’s overwhelming support.

Oliver applauded the people of Finland for their keen eye in recognizing star potential, asserting, “The people of Finland are naturals at ski jumping, sauna, and knowing a f***ing star when they see one.”

In closing, Oliver confessed, “F*** all other music, it is dead to me now. I don’t know whether Windows95man won Eurovision or not, but to quote a great poet, ‘I don’t care what’s wrong or right, it’s how I live my life,’ and that is my champion right there.”

Switzerland Crowned Eurovision Winner

In a separate development, Switzerland emerged as the overall winner of Eurovision Song Contest, held in Malmo, Sweden. The Swiss entrant, Nemo, secured 591 points for their performance of the song “The Code,” triumphing over Croatia and Ukraine, who claimed second and third place, respectively.

Check Out Windows95man’s Dazzling Performance

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