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Jiang Zemin’s body was cremated in Babaoshan, Xi Jinping Hu Jintao salutes him

Jiang Zemin’s body was cremated in Babaoshan, Xi Jinping Hu Jintao salutes him

Former President Jiang Zemin’s memorial service was held this morning at 10 am. The whole country observed a 3-minute silence, and public entertainment was suspended for one day. Jiang Zemin’s body was cremated yesterday morning at Beijing’s Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and other party and state leaders as well as former President Hu Jintao went to see Jiang Zemin outside the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital where the coffin was parked.

Roads around Babaoshan began to be temporarily closed at 6:30 yesterday, and Wukesong, Yuquan Road and Babaoshan stations of Batong Line of Beijing Metro Line 1 were temporarily closed from 0:00 yesterday until reopening around 12:00 noon.

CCTV reported that at 10:20 yesterday morning, Jiang Zemin’s coffin was lifted by eight honor guards and escorted by Xi Jinping and others to the hearse; escorted by relatives, the hearse slowly went to the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery; at 10:50, the hearse entered the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, where relatives of Xi Jinping and Jiang Zemin greeted Jiang Zemin. The report also pointed out that people from all walks of life in the capital greet Jiang Zemin along the way.

According to the announcement of “Comrade Jiang Zemin’s Funeral Committee”, Jiang Zemin will not hold a farewell ceremony for his body. However, the memorial meeting held this morning at 10:00 will be broadcast live, and all locations are expected to arrange party members , cadres and the public to watch it. During the memorial meeting, people across the country observed 3 minutes of silence. Where there is a siren, the siren will sound for 3 minutes and the air defense siren will sound for 3 minutes. The announcement also noted that on the day of the memorial service, flags across the country, Chinese embassies, consulates and other institutions stationed overseas will be flown at half-staff, and public entertainment will be suspended for one day.

Universal Studios Beijing closes several mobile games

Beijing Universal Resort yesterday announced that Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park, Beijing Universal City Avenue, Universal Studios Hotel and NUO Resort Hotel will be temporarily closed today in accordance with the relevant provisions for national mourning activities , and the theme park and City Avenue will reopen tomorrow . , The reopening time of the two hotels is still to be defined. Shanghai Disneyland has been closed since the 29th of last month due to epidemic prevention needs and has not yet reopened. In addition, a number of online games in the continent have announced that they will close for one day today, including Tencent’s “Honor of Kings”, “League of Legends”, “Peace Elite”, “Cross Fire”, etc. , “Fifth Personality” by NetEase, “Haha”. freedom Magic Awakening, Onmyoji, etc., as well as Miha’s “Original God”, etc.

Originally released on AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk/China/Cremation of Jiang Zemin’s remains at Babaoshan-Xi Jinping Hu Jintao Farewell/351330?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral

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