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Japan plans to accept foreign tourists starting in June, conditions must be boosted

KOMPAS.com – The Japanese government plans to accept foreign tourist arrivals in June 2022 or as soon as May 2022, with a number of conditions.

In the trial phase, Japan will only allow foreign tourists in a small group who have received the third dose of vaccine (booster). The group is also required to follow a tour package with a fixed schedule.

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Quoted from Japan Times and Fuji News Network, Friday (6/5/2022), opening the door for foreign tourists on a limited basis is an experiment. If cases of Covid-19 infection do not spread, then there is a possibility that the program will be expanded.

The news of this opening came a day after Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave a speech in London, England. Kishida said that Japan plans to relax borders due to the Covid-19 pandemic starting in June.

photo" data-photolink="http://travel.kompas.com/image/2022/05/07/140300127/jepang-berencana-terima-turis-asing-mulai-juni-syarat-harus-booster?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">SHUTTERSTOCK Illustration of Japan – Tokyo Tower.-

“Currently we have relaxed border control measures significantly, with the next easing occurring in June, when Japan will launch a smoother entry process, the same as the rest of the G7 members,” Kishida said, quoted from a transcript of a speech from Asia NikkeiThursday (5/5/2022).

For information, quoted from Kompas.comFriday (11/6/2021), the G7 is a group of large countries formed in 1975. This group consists of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States (US).

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Nevertheless, according to Kishida, the government still needs to be aware of the Covid-19 condition in the country, especially after a series of national holidays from late April to early May.

This border easing plan is certainly welcomed by the industry japan tourismwhich has urged the government to re-allow foreign tourist arrivals.

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