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January 2024 Astrological Events and Horoscope Predictions for Aries: Planetary Movements and Significance

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  • 1st of January: Mercury retrograde ends in Sagittarius
  • January 4: Mars enters Capricorn
  • 11 January: New Moon in Capricorn
  • 13 January: Mercury enters Capricorn again
  • 20 January: Aquarius season begins and Pluto enters Aquarius
  • 23 January: Venus enters Capricorn
  • 25 January: Full Moon in Leo

You’re showing the world what you’re made of, Aries! Capricorn season puts you front and center and in the spotlight, where your talents will be recognized and you may be on your way to some major successes. The next few weeks are a time for you to claim your worth and demand what you want, especially in your career. Once Aquarius season begins mid-month, your focus shifts from work to play. You will be eager to connect with friends, focus your efforts on community projects, and put energy into your hopes and dreams for the future.

But first, the year begins on January 1st with some big events on the planet: Mercury retrograde lands in Sagittarius, clearing up misunderstandings and moving stalled conversations forward. On the same day, Venus, the planet of love, collides with Saturn, the planet of limitation. It’s easier today to let your worst fears enter your consciousness. Planning wisely for the future will be a constructive use of this energy, but if you find yourself repeating some limiting beliefs, do your best to break your thought patterns. Your personal and public life will soon get busier when Mars, the planet of work and motivation, moves into Capricorn on January 4th. This energy supports you in taking carefully calculated steps towards your goals. You can accomplish a lot in the next few weeks, but you might also encounter some haters along the way. Establishing boundaries between your personal and professional lives will be crucial. You can sign or commit to an exciting contract on January 9th, when Mars in Capricorn mingles with Saturn in Pisces. This planetary conjunction typically only occurs every two years and can inspire willpower, dedication, and focus on your next big project.

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th invites you to reflect on your power and influence. Maybe you set new goals, take on a new role that requires more responsibility, or achieve a new achievement. You’ll have to face some of your fears along the way, but what awaits you on the other side is better than you could have ever imagined. You’ll confirm your worth and worth on January 12, when Mars in Capricorn connects with Jupiter in Taurus. Your efforts and hard work can lead to financial support or new opportunities.

Mercury’s retrograde may be over, but it’s still retrograde! On January 13th, Mercury returns to Capricorn, taking you back to December 1st, 2023. What conversations started at that time and what ideas did you want to implement? You have more clarity about how you want to move forward. Beware of confusion and illusions in your relationships on January 19, when Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Neptune in Pisces. It is difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. On the bright side, you may feel called to some spiritual practices that can be healing and illuminate messages from your subconscious. When someone tells a story that sounds too good to be true, trust your gut.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th, kicking off the 2024 Aquarius season. Over the next month, you’ll be encouraged to prioritize your hopes and dreams for the future. This time can also bring new contacts and support into your life. Pluto, the planet of power, influence and control, moves into Aquarius on the same day. This begins a 20-year cycle in which you renegotiate your relationships with authority, fear, and taboos when it comes to your friendships, future aspirations, and sense of belonging. It can also add fame to your brush and increase your influence!

Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into the fixed sign of Capricorn on January 23rd, bringing you professional blessings. The next few weeks will bring you recognition for your talents, efforts and hard work. Now is the time to negotiate a raise, ask for a promotion, or look for new career opportunities. When work isn’t the focus, you may also be making progress on a personal goal. The full moon in Leo appears in the sky on January 25th and reveals information about a romantic relationship or a creative project. You may be dealing with hidden power dynamics in some of your close relationships. This is a powerful time for you to express yourself and perhaps there is also a reason to celebrate.

They sign treaties and establish boundaries on January 27th, when Mercury and Mars, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky. Can have tense but direct conversations. You get rid of excess and can make an informed decision about your future. The month ends with a supportive relationship between Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus on January 29th. Abundance is in the air and important people are recognizing your talents. This bodes well for all negotiations. Don’t be afraid to ask what you want because the two luckiest planets are on your side today.

2024-01-01 22:13:42
#Aries #monthly #horoscope #January

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