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Jambon: “Catering industry closed is terrible, but the risk of virus transmission is very high” | Coronavirus is spreading

“It is a terrible decision,” said Jambon. “That decision has nothing to do with the fact that the rules were not properly followed by cafes and restaurants. The reason why we made the decision is because ten percent of the population now carries the infection and the catering industry is the ideal environment where people come close to each other and therefore the chance of transmitting the virus is very high. Hence this terrible measure, which is also accompanied by economic compensation measures, because we absolutely do not want to leave people to their own devices. ”

One measure was taken for the whole country. After the cafés in Brussels, all other cafés and restaurants throughout Belgium are now closing. Isn’t the health situation in Flanders better than in Brussels and Wallonia? Jambon replies: “At the moment there are still two or three provinces in Flanders that are not yet in the highest phase, but if you look at the projection, you will see that next week all Flemish provinces, except perhaps Limburg, will turn red. It makes no sense to make that distinction. During the phase-out, when provinces move faster than others into a lower risk area, the measures will be phased out there first. ”

The long-awaited corona barometer is not ready yet, but according to Jambon it will not be long in coming: “It will be ready by the end of next week. The hardware is ready, but the last elements of the software have yet to be prepared.”

Finally, Prime Minister Jambon had news for football fans. “Nothing will change this weekend, but the following match day the public admission to football matches will be halved.”

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