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Jakarta Computer Equipment Retailers Combat Price Increases Due to Strong US Dollar


The high value of the US dollar can cause various electronic products such as computer equipment to experience price increases. This situation is forcing computer equipment retailers to rack their brains to ensure that their products continue to sell despite price increases.

One of the computer equipment dealers in the Hardco Mangga Dua area, North Jakarta, named Luci, said that the store he manages must create different promotions so that there is no interest in selling his electronic products.

That promotion is like selling products that have increased prices in bundles and getting one extra product for free. The free products provided are usually old stock that has not been increased in price.

“So, for example, what is going up, how much does it cost, usually buy ten (units) get one free. Such a program was created so that the two some out,” said Luci when he met. detikcom in that area, Monday (22/4/2024).

“Or, for example, a purchase with a total value of Rp. 10 million is given one free flash disk or one mouse,” he explained again.

Or if the old stock still meets the demand of buyers, Luci prefers to sell the product because the price will not rise. That way the products they sell can be cheaper than the current market price.

“I will also try, if I still have old stock, it is better to sell the old stock first at the old price (before the increase). If we have new stock, like it or not, we will sell it at the new price,” said Luci.

According to him, such methods are important to maintain the competitiveness of his electronic store with others. Although he does not deny that these methods can reduce the net profits of the shop.

“We must have such programs because so that we can both produce (sell) the products (whether they have increased or they remain stable). So we can -to distribute money as well,” he explained.

“If we still have a profit of Rp. 30,000, there is Rp. 40,000, there is some income, that’s fine, the important thing is that the conversion (money) is there. We still need shop rent to pay, pay employees, and so on,” concluded Luci.


2024-04-22 09:05:51
#Heres #retailers #rise #electronics #prices #selling

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