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Jagmeet Singh wants more protection for healthcare workers

(Montreal) NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on Sunday vowed to toughen the Criminal Code so that “obstructing, assaulting or threatening” a healthcare worker in the performance of his or her duties is an aggravating factor .

Clara Descurninges
The Canadian Press

“The health workers, who are already exhausted, who have worked so much overtime, they are being attacked right now,” he said, lamenting “horrific examples” of “violence and intimidation” “.

The announcement follows a public outing by the Canadian Medical Association and the Ontario Medical Association on Friday denouncing the “intimidation, attacks and violent comments” suffered by healthcare workers in the last few weeks.

In particular, rallies against compulsory vaccination took place last week in front of Ontario hospitals. In British Columbia on Wednesday, such a rally sparked assaults on medical personnel.

Facilitate vaccination

Mr. Singh stressed the importance of vaccination and proposed the establishment of financial compensation “to help people who have to leave work for a day to be vaccinated”.

He also said he wanted to “educate” hesitant Canadians. “There are people who want to be vaccinated and just need a little more information. They have questions, and we just have to make sure we reach these people, ”he argued.

He criticized the outgoing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, for not having created a “national plan that would help people get vaccinated” and for having neglected this issue because it is “outside federal jurisdiction”. According to the Canadian Constitution, health is a jurisdiction that belongs exclusively to the provincial level.

The NDP leader also reiterated his commitment to create “a federal document that constitutes proof of vaccination” to facilitate travel from one province to another.

This article has been produced with the financial support of the Facebook and The Canadian Press News Scholarships.

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