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J Team Terminates Contract with Long (Ma Yulong) for Match-Fixing

J Team, a Taiwanese e-sports team, made a shocking announcement today as they terminated their contract with their top laner, Long (Ma Yulong). The reason behind this sudden decision was Long’s alleged involvement in match-fixing. As a result, Long has been handed an 18-month suspension.

According to the official announcement, J Team reported the incident to the PCS alliance on May 31st, stating that Long had conspired with outsiders to manipulate the outcome of a match. Following an interview, Long admitted to his mistakes and signed a confession, confirming the validity of the case. Consequently, J Team decided to sever ties with Long.

Riot, the governing body of competitive e-sports, also weighed in on the matter. They considered the case to be an attempted conspiracy, and with the players involved admitting their wrongdoings, Riot has decided to ban Ma Yulong (LONG) from participating in all Riot-related events for the next 18 months.

The severity of the punishment reflects the seriousness with which match-fixing is regarded in the e-sports community. It serves as a reminder that fair play and integrity are paramount in maintaining the credibility of competitive gaming.

As news of Long’s termination and suspension spread, fans and fellow players expressed their disappointment and shock. The incident serves as a reminder that even the most respected players can succumb to the temptation of match-fixing, and it highlights the importance of maintaining a strong and vigilant system to prevent such occurrences.

The e-sports community will now closely monitor the aftermath of this incident, as J Team looks to fill the void left by Long’s departure and rebuild their team. Meanwhile, Long will have to reflect on his actions and work towards redemption once his suspension concludes.

Image Source: J Team Facebook

What measures should the e-sports community adopt to prevent occurrences of match-fixing and ensure a robust and vigilant system

J Team, a Taiwanese e-sports team, dropped a bombshell today by announcing the termination of their contract with their top laner, Long (Ma Yulong). The shocking reason behind this sudden decision stems from Long’s alleged involvement in match-fixing, resulting in an 18-month suspension.

In an official statement, J Team revealed that they reported the incident to the PCS alliance on May 31st, citing Long’s collaboration with external individuals to manipulate the outcome of a match. After an interview, Long confessed to his mistakes and even signed a confession, confirming the validity of the case. As a result, J Team made the difficult decision to part ways with Long.

Adding to the gravity of the situation, Riot, the governing body of competitive e-sports, has also stepped in. They deemed the case an attempted conspiracy, and with the players involved owning up to their wrongdoings, Riot has chosen to ban Ma Yulong (LONG) from participating in all Riot-related events for the next 18 months.

This punishment serves as a clear message that match-fixing is taken very seriously in the e-sports community. It emphasizes the importance of fair play and integrity in upholding the credibility of competitive gaming.

As news of Long’s termination and suspension spread, fans and fellow players alike expressed their disappointment and astonishment. This incident serves as a stark reminder that even highly respected players can succumb to the allure of match-fixing, highlighting the need for a robust and vigilant system to prevent such occurrences.

Moving forward, the e-sports community will closely monitor the aftermath of this incident as J Team looks to fill the void left by Long’s departure and rebuild their team. Meanwhile, Long will have to take this time to reflect on his actions and strive for redemption once his suspension concludes.

Image Source: J Team Facebook

2 thoughts on “J Team Terminates Contract with Long (Ma Yulong) for Match-Fixing”

  1. It is commendable to see J Team taking a strong stance against match-fixing by terminating Long’s contract. Such action sends a clear message that integrity in esports is of utmost importance and should be upheld at all costs.

  2. It’s a relief to see justice served as J Team takes a strong stance against match-fixing by terminating Long’s contract. This sends a powerful message that integrity is non-negotiable in professional sports.


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