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“It will be applied both in households and in small and medium-sized enterprises”

Tanczos Barna, Minister of the Environment, announced that the European Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement to extend the scope of the carbon market and that the provision should enter into force from 2027.

The provision is also aimed at owners of apartment systems who will have to pay a pollution tax.

The provision is expected to take effect in 2027, but could be delayed by a year if energy prices are high.

In principle, in 2027 the tax will be applied to every cubic meter of gas consumed by both households and small and medium-sized enterprises. Likewise, there is a fuel tax.

The provision is also aimed at owners of apartment systems, who will have to pay a pollution tax.

The provision is expected to take effect in 2027, but could be delayed by a year if energy prices remain high.

“If this provision is applied, in principle, from 2027 a tax will be applied to each cubic meter of gas consumed both in households and in small and medium-sized enterprises.

But for us the most important thing in this decision is the social fund dedicated to the climate.

This social fund will provide Romania with a guaranteed extra income compared to the contribution.

It will be kind of the environmental fund that we use now, but much more substantial,” he said Tanczo Brownthe Minister of the Environment, for Antena 3 CNN.

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