Home » today » Entertainment » It was never about money. Depp may forgive the Heards for hefty damages

It was never about money. Depp may forgive the Heards for hefty damages

The court awarded a partial victory to both parties, but Heard was to pay Depp ten million dollars (almost 235 million crowns), while the actor to his ex-wife two million dollars (47 million crowns). Depp is willing to forgive Heard for the remaining difference.

That’s what his lawyers suggested on Good Morning America. “Of course, we can’t discuss communication with our client, but as Depp has already said in court, this case was never about money. It was about restoring his reputation. And he got it, “said lawyer Benjamin Chew.

“He regained his life after six years,” he continued.

Through her spokesperson, Heard expressed concern that Depp’s lawyers had been given the opportunity to show a “winning wheel” on television.

Amber Heard at the Virginia Court Judgment

Photo: Evelyn Hockstein, CTK / AP

Heard’s lawyer said after the verdict that the actress did not have enough funds to deal with Depp and would have to file for personal bankruptcy.

Forgiveness could help her, but she will still have to pay the court a fine of five million dollars (117.5 million crowns) as part of the so-called exemplary damages.

The trial between Depp and Heard has been monitored worldwide. He was triggered by a four-year-old actress commentary published by The Washington Post. In it, Heard described herself as the “public face of domestic violence.”

Depp is not explicitly named in the comment, but according to his lawyers, the statement was clear, as the accusations made by the American actress were already known to the public. In 2020, Heard responded to her ex-husband’s lawsuit with her own complaint over Depp’s lawyer’s allegations that all of her accusations were false.

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