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It was just a fantastic and universal educational project [Plupes]

Explanatory statement

Tacitly invested, and in the exercise of my powers as a “civil individual of the world.” Considering: that the dangers that loom over humanity, advocated by subjects of perverse and irrational mentality, prone to disrespect of the rule of law and to vandalism spread among nations, have not yet been abolished. Without ambiguity or arrogance, I publish my following (motion) Universal Law Project for Higher Education [Plupes]:

Capítulo I

In any of the campuses for higher education where those who, because of their vocations and propensity to the Empire of Civility, eagerly yearn to be instructed in any of the disciplines of knowledge converge, they will only be excluded as hostile to humanity and the reason that holds it: the peathomos y ruralhomos that they enter armed, with badges or swastikas of harmful proselytism, to commit one or more of the crimes against the Being, their intelligence, the universality of the academy and their legacy. Infractions that, after an inquisition, I enunciate:

(Art. First) .- The infusion of fear, intimidation, direct or subliminal threat to the detriment of the entire university community or any of its members.

(Second Art) .- The fortuitous and undue search, without the motivation that flagrante delicto dictates, of precincts for instruction, learning, experimentation or intellectual creation.

(Art. Third) .- Subject one or more people to slavery through indoctrination or treacherous order of rogue bureaucracy that, by means of this law, is outlawed.

(Art. Fourth) .- The appropriation or destruction of private or public property, real estate, works of art, files, books and related, technological inventions or scientific findings resulting from research.

(Fifth Art) .- Slight or very serious physical injuries, degrading or humiliating treatment against people inside or outside the academy.

(Art. Six) .- Sabotage against the imparting of knowledge.

(Art. Seventh) .- Kidnapping, rape or lewdness to the detriment of people in institutional areas or outside the walls.

(Art. Eighth) .- The persecution against the freedom of thought, research and creation, the siege of the educated and non-injurious individual, our associations for study, entertainment or adhesions that do not corrode the collective interests ».

(Art. Ninth) .- Conspiring to exterminate university institutions.

Chapter III

The authorities will be selected by means of academic or extra credentials, without prejudice to the aspirations of any of the members of the university institution, who will be responsible for their actions. It is the authority of the legal representatives of each university:

(Art. First) .- The most honest administration and public presentation of income-expenses.

(Art. Second) The fair hiring of qualified personnel for the diversity of functions.

(Art. Third) .- Provide the facilities with the materials that are required for the excellent operation of the activities.

(Fourth Art) .- Watch over the probable impartation of wisdoms.

(Fifth Art) .- Bring before the temporary offices of the national command, in writing and after rigorous analysis and administrative inquiry, the budgets that are required to decently remunerate the staff and equip them.

(Art. Six) .- Go through the words to external or internal offenders and dictate penalties that are not unconstitutional or harmful to their immutable and human rights.

(Art. Eighth) .- Advocate for the respect due to all peathomos or ruralhomos, university or not, disturbed or lucid, and for the protection of buildings.

(Art. Ninth) .- In the first or last instance, the defense of humanity and the reason that supports it.


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