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it became known where the situation is very critical – UNIAN

Being under the temporary occupation of the Russians, the Kherson region has problems with communications, electricity, water and gas.

The situation in many villages in Kherson region “very critical”.

About this during the briefing said head of the Joint Coordinating Press Center of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine Natalia Gumenyuk.

Answering a question about the situation in the Kherson region, she noted: “In general, the Kherson region, being under occupation, of course, has certain problems, in particular, with communications. Not only with communications, but with the provision of electricity, water and gas.”

Gumenyuk stressed that the situation in many villages is “very critical.”

“Since many houses have been broken and social infrastructure facilities have been destroyed. And this means that the provision of medical care is difficult, and there are no essential goods,” she stated.

At the same time, the Russian occupiers, added Gumenyuk, are trying to place their units closer to the places of residence of the civilian population in order to use them as a “human shield”.

Also, when asked about information about the strengthening of their positions near Kherson by Russian troops, the head of the press center explained that they “are trying to gain a foothold on those lines to which we have already squeezed them.”

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