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István Pásztor: Serbia should review its migration policy

He emphasized: the VMSZ is already at the peak of the migrant crisis, that is, since 2015, it has been constantly drawing attention to the dangers posed by illegal immigrants passing through Serbia. “This is not a modern phenomenon, we have been suffering from it since 2015, but every day it gets rougher and rougher frames. This is a gang war, and it must be clearly stated that it is about organized crime and organized human trafficking,” he underlined.

He pointed out that the situation has not changed in the last eight years,

the VMSZ draws attention to the problem, receives an answer, but basically nothing changes.

The increasing migration pressure is already unsustainable, as it makes people’s everyday lives impossible – added István Pásztor.

The president of the VMSZ also reminded that

the European Union imposed its own migration policy on Serbia in 2015, and Serbia accepted it in order to join as soon as possible, but now the time has come for Serbia to review its migration policy.

István Pásztor announced that he had discussed this with the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic several times, and they agreed on this issue.

“I think there is only one solution, if until these people are granted asylum, they cannot leave the centers that must be established somewhere in the immediate vicinity of the Serbian-North Macedonian border. Whoever will have a document stating that they have applied for and received asylum, he can come in, and those who don’t have to be deported. All other treatments are symptomatic,” he emphasized.

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