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Issue of Aircraft Rapid Test Removed, Experts Suggest Alternatives

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The expert offered alternatives if the provisions rapid test Covid-19 to detect infection corona virus for prospective passengers the plane is completely removed.

According to Epidemiologist from Griffith University, Dicky Budiman suggested that there should be special rules for traveling residents if the rapid test rule was abolished.

According to him, there needs to be the imposition of criteria for passengers who are allowed to travel and restrictions on going to areas with cases of Covid-19 which are on the rise.

Especially for the criteria for people who travel, for example filling out a health form. On the form, the person who is allowed to leave must have no symptoms such as fever, cough, or smell. Examinations at the entrance by officers or medical personnel must also be carried out.

“Ideally, with PCR results. At least a health certificate from a health center doctor or clinic,” said Dicky to CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (19/8).

This is because he said the rules for the rapid antibody test that had been in place for airplane passengers were not effective in detecting Covid-19.

“Antibody rapid tests are not effective in detecting cases of Covid-19 infection,” he said.

On the other hand, Dicky asked the government to make innovations in detecting Covid-19. One such innovation is to use an antigen rapid test which has a higher accuracy rate than the antibody rapid test and is cheaper than RT PCR.

Like SARS, Dicky added that Covid-19 could spread and create clusters on planes. So that adherence to health protocols on aircraft must be maintained, for example wearing masks, maintaining distance, minimizing touch.

“The percentage is in the range of 1 percent of the total potential transmission of Covid-19 (on the plane). It is relatively small, but that does not mean it does not exist,” said Dicky.

In addition, he again appealed to the public, government officials and the private sector to continue to limit unnecessary travel.

Previously, the Ministry of Transportation admitted that it was still waiting for the continuation of the discourse to remove the requirements for rapid test results for airplane passengers. Currently, there has been no follow-up from the Covid-19 Task Force on this discourse.

“There is no (continuation) yet, that’s in the task force because of a circular from them, we only implement it in the field, for example on planes, on ships, on what kind of trains,” said Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Novie Riyanto to CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday ( 18/8).

The airline has welcomed the discourse on eliminating rapid tests for airplane passengers. This is considered to be able to increase public interest in traveling without being burdened with these conditions.

(jps / eks)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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