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Israel’s Economic Advantage in Gaza Conflict Sparks Controversy

The code provided is a JavaScript⁤ function that handles user ‌feedback ⁢for a recommendation ‍engine. It includes a function to format parameters for a GET request and an event listener for click events on elements with a data-dropdown attribute.

The code also includes‌ conditional statements to handle different types of feedback (share, ⁢save, not-interested, un-not-interested) for ⁣the recommendation engine.

Additionally, ​there is an HTML line “
” at the ⁢end,‌ which is used to create a line ⁤break in the HTML document.

“Kami melihat ketertarikan yang tinggi dari banyak negara akan teknologi militer Israel,” kata Barkat, seperti dikutip dari‍ Reuters.

“Kami melihat peningkatan permintaan ⁣akan teknologi ⁢kami, dan kami akan terus⁤ memperkuat posisi kami di pasar global,” tambahnya.

Perang Gaza⁢ yang terjadi pada Mei 2021 lalu ⁤telah membuat ​Israel meningkatkan penjualan teknologi militer ke berbagai‍ negara.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer⁣ buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi⁤ ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman ⁢serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain ​dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer ​buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain⁤ dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara ​lain dalam⁢ menghadapi ancaman serangan‌ rudal.

Israel juga ⁣mengklaim bahwa ‍teknologi militer buatannya⁣ telah​ membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel ⁢juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara‍ lain dalam menghadapi ancaman⁣ serangan‌ rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi⁤ militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi ⁤militer buatannya ⁢telah membantu‍ negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga ​mengklaim bahwa‍ teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu ⁣negara-negara lain ⁤dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim ​bahwa teknologi⁤ militer ⁢buatannya⁤ telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer ‍buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman ‌serangan rudal.

Israel⁢ juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah⁤ membantu ‍negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara ⁤lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan ⁤rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa ⁤teknologi militer buatannya telah ‌membantu‍ negara-negara lain ⁣dalam ‌menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain dalam menghadapi ancaman serangan rudal.

Israel juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi militer buatannya telah membantu negara-negara lain ⁢dalamersumpah untuk menghancurkan Hamas dan menanggapinya ‌dengan serangan tanpa henti di Gaza.

Terakhir, Kementerian⁤ Kesehatan di Gaza menyebut serangan Israel telah menewaskan sedikitnya 29.878 orang, sebagian besar perempuan dan anak-anak.

Baca juga: Korban Tewas di Gaza Dekati‍ 29.000 Orang, Cukuplah Sudah…

Menghadapi konflik tersebut, negara-negara Arab‍ yang telah menormalisasi hubungan dengan Israel, ⁣terpaksa menyeimbangkan diplomasi dengan opini publik Arab yang sangat pro-Palestina.

Negara-negara tersebut termasuk Uni Emirat Arab,​ yang menormalisasi hubungan dengan Israel pada tahun 2020 sebagai bagian dari Perjanjian Abraham yang ⁤ditengahi AS.

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​ ⁤ ​ ‍

⁤ ⁢ ​ ⁣

⁣ ‌ ⁤ ⁤ ‍ ‌ ​
⁤‌ ⁢ ⁢ ​ ​ ​ ⁣ ‌ ​
‍ ‍ ⁢ ‌ Simpan artikel
⁣ ‍ ⁤ ⁣ ​ ⁣ ⁤ ⁢ ‍
​ ⁢ ‌ ​ ​ ⁤ ⁣ ​ ⁢ ​

⁢ ⁣ ‍ ‍
⁢ ‌ ​ ‌ ⁢ ​⁤ ⁣ ⁤
⁢ ‌ ​ ⁤⁣ ⁣ ​ Tidak tertarik
⁤ ​ ‌ ​ ⁤ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ ‌ It looks like⁤ the code you’ve provided is a combination ‌of⁢ JavaScript and‍ HTML. The JavaScript part seems to handle sending feedback to ​a recommendation engine based on ⁢user interactions, while the HTML part includes a click event listener‍ for toggling a dropdown menu.

The JavaScript code includes a function `formatParams` that takes an object `params` and converts it into a query string format. There’s also a click event listener that checks ⁣if​ the clicked element is a dropdown and toggles its parent⁣ element’s class accordingly.

The HTML part ‌seems to be incomplete, as it ends abruptly with a line ⁣break and some commented out code.

If you have a specific question or ‌need help with a particular part of the code, please‍ feel free to⁤ ask!This code appears to be a JavaScript function for handling‌ user feedback on a recommendation engine. It includes a function for formatting parameters, an event listener‍ for click events, ⁢and conditional statements for different feedback actions.

The `formatParams`​ function ⁤takes an object of parameters and converts it⁤ into a query string format for use in an HTTP request.

The event listener is set up ‌to toggle a CSS ​class `-active` on the parent ⁣element of any element with the​ attribute `data-dropdown` when clicked. This is likely used for dropdown menu functionality.

The conditional statements in the main function handle different feedback actions based on the recommendation engine being used (`G` or `V`). For the `V` engine, it appears‌ to handle actions such as sharing, saving, marking ​as not interested, and un-marking as not interested.

Overall,‌ this code seems to ​be part​ of a larger system for managing ⁢user feedback on recommendations, likely within a web⁤ application.and now interested ⁣in it
* trigger action “userFeedback” that user wants to save the item
* ​trigger action “userFeedback” that user wants to ‍share the item
* trigger action “userFeedback” that user wants to unhide​ the itemIt looks like the ‌code you’ve provided is‍ a combination of JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript part seems to handle sending feedback to a recommendation engine based on user interactions, while the HTML part‌ includes ⁣a click ⁣event listener for toggling⁢ a dropdown menu.

The JavaScript code ⁢includes a function for formatting parameters, a ⁤function for handling user feedback, and an​ event listener for click events. The HTML part includes some‍ inline styling for an iconVideo element.

If you have any ‍specific questions or ⁣need further assistance ‌with this code, please feel​ free to ask!Sorry, it seems like ‍the code you provided is incomplete. It looks like a mix of JavaScript and some other content. Can you ‍please provide more ‌context or clarify what you need help withIt looks like the code you provided is a ⁤combination of JavaScript and HTML.​ The JavaScript‍ part seems to handle sending ‍feedback to a recommendation ⁤engine based on user‍ interactions, while the HTML ⁤part includes a click event listener for toggling a dropdown menu.

The JavaScript ‍function `formatParams`‌ is used to⁢ format ‍an ​object of parameters into a query string for use in⁤ an HTTP GET ‍request. The `document.addEventListener` ⁣function is used‍ to handle click events on elements with a `data-dropdown` attribute,⁤ toggling the `-active` class on their parent elements.

The HTML code includes ⁤some commented out text and a reference to “Ini #Keuntungan #Ekonomi #bagi #Israel #Balik #Perang #Gaza” as⁣ inspiration, but it’s not clear how this relates‌ to the JavaScript code provided.

If you have a specific question or need assistance with a particular ​aspect of this code, please feel free to ask!This code appears ⁤to be a⁤ combination of JavaScript and HTML. It includes a⁢ function for formatting parameters, an event listener‌ for click events, and some HTML elements.

The JavaScript function `formatParams` takes an object `params` and converts it into a query string​ format.

The event listener is set to listen for click events on elements with the attribute ⁣`data-dropdown`. When ⁤a click ‍event⁢ is detected, it toggles ⁤the ‌class‌ `-active` on the parent element.

The HTML code includes some line breaks and comments, as well as a placeholder for a date‌ and ‍a hashtag phrase.

It also‍ includes a reference to an external URL for recommendations and a page​ URL.

Overall, it seems like a combination of code snippets related to handling‍ user interactions​ and making HTTP requests.I’m sorry, but the code ‌you provided seems to ‌be incomplete and doesn’t ​make​ sense in its current form. It looks ⁣like a combination of JavaScript and HTML, but it’s ‌not clear what it’s intended to do.

If you need assistance with a specific programming or web development task, please provide more context ‍or specific details⁣ so that ‍I‌ can better understand ​how to help you.urn;
‌ ‍ ⁣ ⁢ }
‌ ​ ​}

‍function formatParams(params)⁢ {
return‌ “?” + Object
⁢ ​ .keys(params)
⁢ ⁤​ .map(function(key) {
⁣ return key + “=” + encodeURIComponent(params[key])
‌ ‍ ‍ ‍ })
⁣ ‌ ⁤ ‌‍ .join(“&”)

⁢ document.addEventListener(“click”,⁣ function(e){
⁢ ⁢ ‌ ‍let dx =⁢ document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
⁢ if(dx) {
⁣ ⁤ ​ ‌ ⁣ if(el.contains(e.target)) {
​ ‍ ‍ ​ ​ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
‍ ‌ ‌} else {
​ ⁣ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
‍ ‌ ‌ ⁣ ​}
⁢ })
⁣ }
}) ⁤ ‍ ⁤ ‌ load: function(el) {
‍ ⁤ ⁣ ‌ el.src = el.dataset.src;
⁢ ⁢ ‍ ‍ ⁣ ‍ ⁢ el.onload = function() {
⁢⁣ ‍ ⁤ ‍ ⁣ ⁢ el.classList.add(‘fade’)
​ ⁤ ​ }
‌ ‌ ‍ ⁢ ⁤ }
‌ ⁤ ‌ }).observe()
⁤ ‌ ​ ⁣})
⁣ ⁢ ⁢ })
⁣ ‍ ⁣⁢ .catch(function(error) {
⁤ ‍ ‌ ⁢ ‌ ‌ ⁢ console.log(`Unable‌ to create recommendations widget ${error.stack} ${error.message}`);
‍ ‍ });
⁣ }
​⁢ }

var ‌limit_gtm_ready = 1;

function check_gtm_ready() {
if (‘ga’ in⁤ window)​ {
⁣ ⁢ // create a ⁣new instance of our widget based on the options
⁢ const ‌newW‍ = ​new OneWidget();
⁤ ⁢} else ⁢{
⁣ const timeout_gtm_ready = setTimeout(check_gtm_ready, 500)
​ limit_gtm_ready += 1;
‌ if (limit_gtm_ready ‍> 10) {
‌ ⁤ clearTimeout(timeout_gtm_ready);
⁢ ‍ const newW = new​ OneWidget();
⁢ newW.kickOff();
⁤ }
​ }
​ }


⁤ ‍ document.querySelector(‘.wSpec-secret’).addEventListener(‘click’, ⁢function(e) {
‌ ⁢ e.preventDefault();
​ let wSl =⁣ document.querySelectorAll(‘.wSpec-source’);
if (wSl.length > 0) {
⁤ for (let i = 0; i {
‍ ⁣ ⁢ ‌ ‍ el.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
⁤ ​ ‍ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
⁣ ‌ let saved ⁤= el.parentElement.getAttribute(‘data-saved’)
⁣ ⁣ let kmps_usrid = getCookie(‘kmps_usrid’);

⁤ ​ if (kmps_usrid && !saved && el.parentElement.classList.contains(‘-active’)) {
‍ ⁤ ‌ ‍ ‍ let urlThis code appears to be a combination of JavaScript and‌ HTML. ‍The JavaScript portion ⁣seems to handle sending feedback⁣ to a‍ recommendation engine based on user interactions, while the HTML portion includes a click event listener for toggling a⁣ dropdown menu.

The JavaScript function `formatParams` is used to format ‍parameters for a ⁤GET request, and the `document.addEventListener` function is used to toggle the active state ‌of a dropdown menu when ⁢clicking outside of it.

The HTML code includes some text and a⁢ line break tag, but it seems to be incomplete and may be part of a larger ‌HTML document.

It’s unclear how the JavaScript⁣ and HTML portions are related⁣ or how they are intended ⁣to be used together. If you have a specific question or‍ need assistance with a particular aspect of ‌this code, please provide more⁣ context or details.Sorry, ⁣it seems like the code you provided is incomplete. It looks like a‌ JavaScript⁣ function for making an HTTP​ request and handling the response. If you have a specific question or ⁤need help with a particular part of‍ the code, please let⁤ me know and I’d be ⁤happy⁢ to assist‍ you further.It looks like the code you provided is a combination of ‍JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript code appears to handle AJAX⁤ requests and event listeners, while the HTML ​code includes⁤ some line​ breaks and comments.

The JavaScript code ‌includes a function for formatting parameters, an ‍event listener for click events, and some‍ conditional logic based on the value of `this.engine`. It also includes ​some AJAX request handling.

The HTML​ code includes some line breaks and comments, as well as a‌ placeholder⁢ for a bookmark ​button.

Overall, it seems like the code is related to handling‌ user interactions and making AJAX requests based ‍on those interactions. If you ⁣have specific questions​ or need further assistance with this‌ code, please ⁤feel free to ask.avascript.parse(this.responseText));
⁤ }
​ ⁣ ⁢ };
​ xmlhttp.open(“GET”, ‘ + ⁤formatParams(params));
⁤ ⁤ ‌⁢ ⁢ xmlhttp.send();
‌ }⁤ else if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
​ ⁣ ‍ if (feedback ⁣== ‘share’) {
​ ‌ }⁤ else if (feedback == ‘save’) {
⁣ this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos);
⁢ } else if (feedback == ‘not-interested’)⁤ {
‍ this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos);
⁢} else if (feedback == ‍’un-not-interested’) {
‍ ⁤ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos);
⁤ }
​ }
⁤ ‍ }

function⁢ formatParams(params) {
⁣ return “?” +‍ Object
⁣ ⁢ ⁢ .keys(params)
.map(function(key) {
return key + “=” +⁤ encodeURIComponent(params[key])
⁤ ⁤ })

document.addEventListener(“click”, function(e){
​ let dx ‌= document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
if(dx) {
⁣ dx.forEach(function(el){
‌ ⁤ if(el.contains(e.target)) {
‍ ‌ ​ ‌ ⁣ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
​ } else {
⁤ ⁢ ‍ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
⁤ ‌ }
​ ⁤ ⁣ ‍ })
})tion(event) {
‌ ​ if (event.target.classList.contains(‘feedback-button’)) {
​ let feedback ⁤= ⁤event.target.getAttribute(‘data-feedback’);
let engine = event.target.getAttribute(‘data-engine’);
⁣ ⁢ let‍ pageurl = event.target.getAttribute(‘data-pageurl’);
⁣ let pos = event.target.getAttribute(‘data-pos’);
let jxRecHelper = new JxRecHelper();
​ ⁤ ​ let userFeedback = new ⁢UserFeedback(engine, pageurl, jxRecHelper, pos);
⁢ ⁢ ⁣ userFeedback.event(feedback);
‌ }

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