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Israeli Attack in Damascus Kills Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander: Latest Updates and Casualty Report

The official Syrian news agency, SANA, reported on Saturday morning that an attack, “likely Israeli,” targeted a house in the Syrian capital, Damascus, while Reuters quoted sources as saying that the explosion caused the death of a leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

SANA said: “It is likely an Israeli attack targeting a residential building in the Mezzeh neighborhood in Damascus.”

SANA quoted its correspondent as saying that an attack targeted a residential building in the Mezzeh neighborhood in Damascus, “most likely resulting from Israeli aggression.”

However, news reports were updated that “a huge explosion occurred in the Mezzeh neighborhood in central Damascus and reports that Israel targeted an important person.”

The Associated Press said, “The targeted neighborhood in Damascus includes diplomatic missions, including the Lebanese and Iranian embassies.”

Sources later confirmed that the Israeli bombing of the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Saturday morning, was carried out with 8 missiles.

An Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander was killed

A source in the pro-Syrian regional coalition said, in statements to Reuters, that a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was killed and others were injured in an Israeli raid on a building in Damascus on Saturday.

The source added that the multi-storey building was used by Iranian advisors supporting the Syrian government and that it was leveled.

Our sources confirmed the killing of “the Quds Force intelligence official in Syria, Haj Sadiq,” by Israeli bombing in Damascus. They also confirmed the killing of “Abu Muntadir,” a leader in an Iraqi militia loyal to Iran, who was at the meeting.

Reuters quoted Syrian sources as saying that the Israeli bombing of Damascus on Saturday led to the killing of 4 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

For its part, the Iranian Mehr News Agency said, “quoting reliable sources,” that two senior Iranian military advisors were killed in an Israeli raid in Damascus.

The agency said that the Revolutionary Guard intelligence official in Syria and his deputy were killed in the Israeli strike.

Observatory: 5 dead

For its part, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated that the attack resulting from a raid left 5 dead.

According to the Observatory, a violent explosion occurred in the Mezzeh neighborhood, villas west of the capital, Damascus, next to the Al-Muhammadi Mosque, caused by an Israeli missile targeting a 4-story building, which led to the deaths of 5 according to an initial toll.

The targeting also led to the complete destruction of the building, which contained a meeting of leaders close to Iran.

The neighborhood is known as a security neighborhood and includes leaders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militia and Palestinian leaders close to Iran.

Jihad denies the killing of its leaders

Sources initially suggested that the leader of the Jihad movement, Akram Al-Ajouri, was killed in the bombing of Damascus.

Palestinian media said that Akram Al-Ajouri left Syria and headed to Lebanon in 2019 after an attempt on his life.

A leader of the Jihad movement denied the news that was circulating about the assassination of the movement’s Secretary-General, Ziad Nakhalah. The movement also denied the killing of any of its members in this bombing.

#Israeli #Quds #Force #intelligence #official #killed #Syria #Israeli #bombing
2024-01-20 08:04:37

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