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Israel Prepares to Flood Hamas Tunnels with Seawater: Latest Updates

The first images have emerged showing Israeli forces preparing to flood the labyrinth of tunnels used by Hamas under the Gaza Strip with seawater. Israel has completed the installation of at least five pumps about a kilometer and a half north of the Al-Shati refugee camp, capable of pumping thousands of cubic meters of water per hour, meaning they could flood the 500-kilometer network of tunnels in Hamas within weeks.

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Publicly available images show Israeli soldiers installing a series of black pipes on the sandy beaches of Gaza. Soldiers can also be seen working on pipes while underground in tunnels, the tabloid reports DailyMail.

It emerged this week that Israel has assembled a large pumping system that it could use to flood Hamas’ vast network of tunnels under the Gaza Strip with seawater, US officials said. Such a tactic would allow Israel to destroy the tunnels and kill any Hamas terrorists hiding in them, officials told the Wall Street Journal.


It was previously unclear whether Israel would consider using the pumps, as any flooding of the tunnels could prove fatal for prisoners taken by Hamas.

“Hamas” tunnels in the Gaza Strip

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi confirmed the plan, calling it a “good idea”: “We see a lot of underground infrastructure in Gaza, we knew there would be a lot. Part of the goal is to destroy that infrastructure.”

He said: “We have different ways of dealing with the tunnels, I won’t go into the specifics, but they include explosives and other means to prevent Hamas operatives from using the tunnels to harm our soldiers. Therefore, any means that gives us an advantage over the enemy is a means that we use.”

Israel first informed the US of the possibility last month, the newspaper said, reporting that officials did not know how close Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was to implementing the plan.

An IDF spokesman declined to comment on the plan to flood the tunnels, but told the WSJ, “The IDF is working to eliminate Hamas’ terrorist capabilities in a variety of ways, using a variety of military and technological tools.”

In Hamas, terrorists operate in a complex network of tunnels, some of which are up to 40 meters deep, many of which can hide traps where intruders can be killed.


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2023-12-07 17:45:03
#VIDEO #PHOTO #shots #pipes #powerful #pumps #Israel #preparing #flood #tunnels #Hamas #sea #water

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