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Iran Supplied Russia with 400 Powerful Surface-to-Surface Ballistic Missiles: Reuters

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Foto. Scanpix/AP photo/Courtesy of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, File)

21:23, 21 February 2024

Iran has started supplying Russia with powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles in large quantities, Reuters news agency reports, citing its sources. According to three Iranian sources, it is about 400 missiles of the “Fateh-110” type, such as “Zolfaghar”. They can fly 300 to 700 kilometers and can be launched from equipment mounted on a truck.

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The final agreement was reached at the end of the year at meetings of the military personnel of both countries in Tehran and Moscow.
The first deliveries took place in early January, one source said.

Another source said that at least four batches of missiles had been sent and that more deliveries would take place in the coming weeks.


A third source said that deliveries are made both by the Caspian Sea and by air.

A Reuters source in the US, in turn, said that the US intelligence service has data on active progress in negotiations between Russia and Iran regarding the delivery of missiles, however, the delivery of missiles has not yet been observed.

Also, the Ukrainian army has not yet observed that Iranian missiles were used on the battlefield, said a source in the Ukrainian army.

In recent weeks, Russia has been shelling Ukraine with North Korean missiles. According to Ukrainian soldiers, they are not particularly accurate.

The Fateh-110 missiles are much more accurate, Michael Lewis, an expert at the Monterey Institute for International Studies, told Reuters.

“They’re only used to strike high-value targets that need to be hit with precision,” Louis said.


2024-02-21 19:29:31
#Sources #Iran #begun #supplying #Russia #powerful #ballistic #missiles #fly #launched #truck

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