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Introduction and Training on How to Handle Cold Coughs in Children with Chest Physiotherapy – Diponegoro University KKN Team II

August 7, 2023 00:44 |

Updated: August 7, 2023 00:49

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Introduction and training on how to handle cold coughs in children

Tegal (25/07/2023) — Infectious diseases are the main cause of high morbidity and mortality rates, especially in developing countries. One of the most common infectious diseases both in the world and in Indonesia is the common cold, which is also known as Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI). The common cold is a major infection of the nasopharynx and nose that often causes discharge and usually affects infants and children. The prevalence of the common cold in Central Java Province reaches around 28%, which is the highest rate, especially at the age of children.

Cold cough in children is a problem that is often encountered, because children are very susceptible to viral infections. Many parents consider coughing a cold as a common symptom and does not need special treatment such as seizures, congenital abnormalities, or other serious problems. Even though a cold cough can heal by itself, you need to be careful if it occurs frequently for a long time, because improper handling can worsen the child’s condition. There are two methods that can be used to treat coughs and colds, namely pharmacological methods (with drugs) and non-pharmacological methods. The use of non-pharmacological methods, such as chest physiotherapy, is safer because it does not cause side effects like drugs and involves the body’s physiological processes.

Chest physiotherapy is a procedure that helps facilitate the removal of phlegm from the lungs by using gravity. The optimal time to do chest physiotherapy is about 1 hour before breakfast and before going to bed at night. The process of chest physiotherapy involves clapping techniques (patting) and vibration techniques (vibrating) in patients who have respiratory system disorders. The goal of chest physiotherapy is to prevent sputum accumulation in the respiratory tract, speed up sputum discharge so that atelectasis does not occur, and facilitate the process of sputum discharge.

This prompted one of the Diponegoro University KKN Team II students, Risma Dewi Isrowati, from Bachelor of Nursing to provide introductory activities and training in dealing with cold coughs in children with chest physiotherapy in Semedo Village with the main target being mothers with children in the village. Semedo.

The introduction and training program in dealing with cold coughs in children with chest physiotherapy in Semedo Village was held on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at Semedo Public Elementary School. The activity was attended by 28 participants consisting of mothers with children in Semedo Village.

In this activity, general information about coughing and colds was explained directly, including the definition of colds, causes of coughs, types of coughs, how to prevent coughs and colds, and how to deal with coughs and colds in children to mothers with children in Semedo Village. It is hoped that the delivery of this material will be a provision for mothers to increase their knowledge about coughs and colds. After the presentation of the material was carried out, the event continued with training on how to do chest physiotherapy as a way to deal with coughs and colds in children.

Students provide information to mothers and children about handling common cold coughs. Participants were given leaflets about handling cold stones to facilitate the understanding process and the process of recalling the material that had been presented.

It is hoped that the program “Optimizing Children’s Health: Handling Cold Coughs in Children with Chest Physiotherapy” can increase insight and knowledge about handling cold coughs in children with the provision of insight that has been conveyed in the activity.

photo-info">Handling Cold Cough Leaflet in Children

Author Name: Risma Dewi Isrowati (Nursing-Faculty of Medicine)

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2023-08-06 17:44:53
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