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“Intense battles ahead as Youth faces tough opponents in BGL League”

With no other intention than to take care of their exit in the league, the Youth would see themselves playing itchy hair against teams vying for a European ticket or outright for the title at the end of the competition.

24th day in the BGL League

Christophe NADIN

With no other intention than to take care of their exit in the league, the Youth would see themselves playing itchy hair against teams vying for a European ticket or outright for the title at the end of the competition.

The referee

The Youth no longer has the Luxembourg Cup on its program and has no other ambition than to take care of its exit in the league. Eighth in the last three years, it can do better in a few weeks when we wondered if its survival would not be in danger when Greek investors cleared out. Its glass ceiling seems to be the fifth place.

Dominik Stolz, rouge, Swift Hesperange, and Mohammed Naifi, FC Differdange 03. Football: Swift Hesperange – FC Differdange 03, BGL Ligue.  Stade Alphonse Theis, Hesperange.  Photo: Stéphane Guillaume

Two goals and two assists for one, four achievements for the other: Samir Hadji and Dominik Stolz ensured the show this Sunday.

There is also a role of arbiter that should not be overlooked. Hesperange and Dudelange will be his last two opponents of the season at La Frontière. In the meantime, it is the Union Titus Pétange which will present itself this Saturday. “I’m not nostalgic. There is not much left of the club that I knew, ”confesses the Eschois Aldin Dervisevic who knew the Bassin Minier club under the name CS Pétange. “Good years with a rise in the National Division with Carlo Weis as coach. Then a great season as promoted. We were third at the break.

Since then, time has taken its toll and a cruciate ligament injury kept the 30-year-old away from the field for 9 to 10 months. “I’m happy to be back on the course,” admits the central defender. Will Pedro Resende maintain his confidence in him this Saturday? The question deserves reflection as the Bianconeri seemed sluggish last Sunday in Strassen. “We missed the point. We lacked aggressiveness and will but with a bit of luck we left with the point of a draw. We inherit two penalties but we only convert one, ”says the experienced right-hander who still does not know what his future will hold.

The dilemma

What is a qualification for the quarter-finals of the Luxembourg Cup worth compared to one more year in the BGL League? Rosport and Fola will not have much time to consider this subject of the thesis. The two clubs will indeed meet twice in the space of five days along the Sûre. A first time in the league. A competition in which both teams stand in three points just above the waterline.

Jonathan Joubert is back in Dudelange.

Suspense at all levels in the BGL League where the distance duel between Hesperange and Dudelange will continue while the Union Titus Pétange will watch for the misstep of Progress to put pressure on.

Nothing is certain yet but a victory this Saturday would open up a clearer horizon for the winner. Rosport will remember that he was humiliated in the first leg (4-1), delivering on this occasion one of the worst games of the season. It’s time for revenge for a team that has regained teeth in recent weeks and is still difficult to manipulate on its ground. The reunion in the Luxembourg Cup will have a completely different flavor. The oldest club is still cold with a competition it has not won since 1955 while Rosport still remembers its accession to the final in 2008.

The number

14. The updating of the calendar did not allow UN Käerjéng ​​to find the way forward. The Bascharage club lost (0-3) against the Ettelbruckoise red lantern on Wednesday. This is the 14th game in a row without a win for the promoted who seems condemned, at best, to play the play-off for his survival among the elite if he does not switch directly to the Promotion of Honor.

Nego Ekofo, rouge, Swift Hesperange, and Gonçalo Almeida, FC Differdange 03. Football: Swift Hesperange – FC Differdange 03, BGL Ligue.  Stade Alphonse Theis, Hesperange.  Photo: Stéphane Guillaume

Hesperange, Dudelange, Niederkorn and the Union Titus Pétange are in tune this Wednesday evening to make even a little more fun this end of the season in the BGL League.

Hostert is on the heels of Käerjéng ​​by one point and Etzella is back to two points thanks to this victory. This series of failures is the worst in the BGL League this season. However, it is far from competing with that of RM Hamm Benfica last season. The Cents club had gone 22 games without a win, taking only one point. The UNK has nothing to do with these statistics but finds that the twist hoped for with the change of coach on the eve of two of its most important games of the season has not worked.

Manu Peixoto left Fola empty-handed and the bitter failure of this midweek is challenging for a club which still has to travel to Mondorf before playing the two tenors of the championship. In the meantime, it is Differdange and its cyclothymic trajectory which presents “Um Dribbel” this Saturday.

The program


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