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Instagram will warn of missing children, will it reach Spain?

Instagram It is one of the applications with the greatest reach in the world. Therefore, any action that comes from you can have a brutal impact, without understanding borders. This is the reason why those responsible for Instagram have launched a new feature that can help build happy endings: report missing children.

How will Instagram report missing children?

Missing child alerts number in the hundreds of thousands, according to official statistics. Having a showcase where to give the voice of warning and try to count on citizen collaboration is very necessary. And what better than using social networks for it. Therefore, from now on, Instagram will show missing child alerts.

instagram white logoinstagram white logo

Zuckerberg’s app has already begun collaborating with the United States AMBER alert service, which is in charge of giving the voice of warning in case of disappearances of minors. These notices will appear in the feedin those cases in which the disappearance occurred near your location.

For now, it is only available in the American country, but it has already been confirmed that in the coming weeks it will reach 25 more countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Korea, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Jamaica, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Romania, South Africa, Taiwan and Ukraine.

We do not see Spain in this list, so for now it is left out of this missing children alert service. However, it is possible that this list will be expanded in the coming months, so there are options that, finally, we will find this novelty soon in our feed.

What do you think of these additions? Do you think they can really help society?

Via | Glasgow Live

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