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Indonesia Masters 2022 results: Ahsan Hendra and Gregoria Mariska stop in the last 16 : Okezone Sports

JAKARTA – Two representatives of Indonesia, Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan and Gregoria Mariska Tunjung stopped in the round of 16 Indonesia Masters 2022. Both Ahsan/Hendra and Gregoria had struggled to win until the third game, but were their opponents still too strong until they were defeated at Istora Senayan, on Thursday (9/6/2022).

Gregoria lost to representatives of India, Pusarla Venkata Sindhu with a score of 21-23, 22-20, and 11-21. While Ahsan / Hendra had to be willing to be defeated by a score of 19-21, 21-18 and 19-21 in 61 minutes by the South Korean pair, Kang Min Hyuk / Seo Seung Jae.

The Daddies – nicknamed Ahsan / Hendra – got fierce resistance from Kang / Seo at the beginning of the match. The score draw continued to occur until stepping on the number 5-5.

However, after that the Red/White pair launched more effective attacks. As a result, they lead 11-8 in the first game interval.

After the break, Ahsan/Hendra continued to be in control of the game. They also widened the distance to a difference of four points at 16-12.

Unfortunately, the performance of the world-ranked pair declined after winning far. Their points are locked at 19.

Then, Kang/Seo, who appeared very insistent, were finally able to equalize to 19-19. In fact, they then won the first game with a score of 21-19.

Annoyed being chased at critical points, Ahsan/Hendra went berserk in the second game. They mercilessly bombarded the Ginseng State pair’s defenses, leading them away with a 7-1 score.

However, once again Kang/Seo were able to rise from adversity and equalized to 9-9. Luckily, Hendra’s two consecutive smashes were successful in providing two additional points. The Daddies lead 11-9 in the second game interval.

After taking a break, Ahsan / Hendra did not relax their attacks. They didn’t let Kang/Seo develop their game. As a result, they are getting further away with a 16-12 advantage.

Even though the opponent continued to give tight resistance, finally The Daddies won the second game with a score of 21-18. The winner of the match was determined through a rubber game.

Gregoria Mariska Tunjung

In the decisive game, the fierce battle of the two couples continues to be presented. However, despite having a 5-5 draw, Ahsan/Hendra trailed 8-11 in the third game interval.

However, after struggling hard to catch up, finally The Daddies were able to equalize the score to 15-15. Unfortunately, their pursuit ended in vain as they ended up losing by a score of 19-21.

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