Home » today » World » Indigo and…? Camilo and Evaluna reveal what the name of their second baby will be – 2024-02-23 23:58:04

Indigo and…? Camilo and Evaluna reveal what the name of their second baby will be – 2024-02-23 23:58:04

After a few days ago the singers Camilo Echeverry and Evaluna Montaner They will confirm that they are expecting their second childnow the couple shocked again by announcing what the name of the little creature will be.

Although at the moment the couple still does not know the sex of the baby, as they claim to want to find out until it is born, they repeated a formula similar to that of their first-born, Indigo, and opted for a “unisex” name, which, although it sounds masculine for now, could easily modified to its feminine variant,

It was the member of the Montaner dynasty who was in charge of spreading the news, through a tender publication in which she showed herself showing her incipient pregnant belly.

Through their Instagram account, the couple shared a short video in which Camilo is seen building a kind of little house made of fabric, with a small window and door. Then the couple enters, and as the camera zooms out it can be seen that at the entrance they wrote down the name of their two children: “Refugio de Indigo y Amaranto.”

“This poem was written to me by Camilo before we found out that we were waiting for you. On a flight from Madrid to Miami we began to imagine you with a name and a couple of weeks later we found out that you were already accompanying us,” the young woman began.

“How excited we are to meet you. Your older sister already wants to take care of you. Amaranto, we feel honored to be your parents. Thank you God for the privilege of being your home. Officially, we Echeverri-Reglero are FOUR,” he concluded his publication.

The truth is that the couple has always attracted attention for their choices regarding parenthood, starting with the unconventional names, and continuing with the decision to never show their daughter in public.

This occasion has not been the exception, and although some people criticized the fact that they have chosen a plant name that is not very common for men – although Amaranta is common -, the majority of the comments were positive for the couple, full of congratulations and expressing tenderness.

Likewise, and as expected, the announcement about their next baby caused reactions within the Montaner family, who did not hesitate to express themselves through social networks.

“Another reason to live!! I love being an uncle,” wrote Evaluna’s brother Ricky Montaner.

“And grandpa crying with love,” added Ricardo Montaner, who since Índigo’s pregnancy was already melting with love at becoming a grandfather from Evaluna.

“When we heard Amaranto’s heart, it was so strong and so rhythmic, that Indigo shouted “Caballoooo.” “There are four of us,” Camilo added, reiterating the latter as a kind of celebration.

#Indigo #Camilo #Evaluna #reveal #baby

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