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Including Syrian pulp.. 5 foods rich in keratin

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Keratin is one of the types of proteins needed by the body, especially for healthy skin and nails, as well as reducing the chances of hair loss. Fortunately, there are certain foods that can help increase the levels of keratin in the body.

In the following report, “The Consulto” reviews a list of foods that contain keratin, according to the “Health line” website.

Foods rich in keratin


Eggs are an excellent source of keratin, as they are a dietary source of biotin, which plays an essential role in keratin production in the body.

A hard-boiled egg provides 33% of the daily value of biotin, in addition, eggs contain selenium, riboflavin, vitamin A and vitamin B12, all substances important for the health of skin, nails and hair.

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Onions are part of the allium plants and improve the health of nails and hair, due to their high content of N-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant that scavenges toxic free radical molecules, which boosts the health of the body, including nails and Skin.

N-acetyl cysteine ​​converts to “L-cysteine”, an antioxidant that converts in the body into an amino acid, and is a component of keratin, just as onions contain folic acid, which is a key element in maintaining hair healthy follicles.

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3- Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a high percentage of carotenoids that convert to vitamin A. One medium sweet potato provides over 100% of your daily requirement of vitamin A, which promotes the formation of keratin needed for healthy skin and hair.

4- Beef liver

Bovine liver is distinguished by its high and concentrated biotin content, which helps to increase the production of keratin. A large slice of cooked bovine liver contains the following nutritional values:

– 31 mcg of biotin.

-24.5 grams of protein.

– 7960 micrograms of vitamin A, which represents 884% of the daily value.

It also contains vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body, such as:

Vitamin B12.

-Folic acid.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2.


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5-Syrian core

The Syrian pulp, or sunflower seeds, provides many nutrients beneficial for the health of the body in general and for the health of nails, skin and hair, as it contains biotin and proteins, both of which increase the production of keratin, since a quarter of cup of Syrian pulp contains the following:

-7 grams of protein.

-9% of the daily nutritional value of biotin.

Vitamin E


– selenium.

Vitamin B5.

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