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Incentives for electric and plug-in already pulverized

DIVORED – It lasted a blink of an eye incentives per electric and plug-in cars, i.e. with emissions between 0 and 60 g / km of CO2 (in theimage above, taken from the MISE website, indicated as Ecobonus M1). On 14 September, the Infrastructure decree had reallocated 57.5 million euros, originally allocated for the extra bonus, to the fund that provides eco-bonuses up to 6,000 euros (who the news). So, it was full stop: the ball now passes to the government, which will evaluate if and how to introduce new incentives. Meanwhile, a hundred million bonuses remain for cars from 61 to 135 g / km of CO2 fueled by petrol, diesel and gas (including non-refillable hybrids): how long will they last? Who knows, maybe a few more weeks.

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