Home » today » Sport » In Villarrica, the delivery of tickets for the National Rodeo Championship began – 2024-02-23 21:41:24

In Villarrica, the delivery of tickets for the National Rodeo Championship began – 2024-02-23 21:41:24

Days after one year of the promulgation of the Autism Law, groups of people and family members with this condition have put aside celebrations to go out to denounce a failure to comply with the regulations by the State itself by excluding consultations on autism in the 2024 Census, which according to the complaint would violate article 7 letter e of Law No. 2,545 which states: “Incorporate the autism spectrum disorder in relevant surveys or population studies in order to know its prevalence in the different territories of the country and the main characteristics of this population.

For the National Autism Federation, Fenaut, which represents groups throughout the national territory, this census met the conditions to incorporate these questions and be able to determine the number of autistic people living in our country, a need urgently raised in the face of the rise in cases of autism in our country, a situation that is repeated throughout the world.

In order to raise the importance of generating this autism registry through questions in the 2024 Census, in January they met with the Minister of Economy, Nicolás Grau and the Director of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), where however I would have pointed out to them that autistic people wanted to be in the 2024 CENSUS out of demand since the data provided by the 2022 Disability and Dependency Survey (ENDIDE) currently existed, which determined on that date the number of people over 18 years of age with ASD. .

From Fenaut they accuse that due to the lack of figures, the budget for the implementation of the Autism Law was reduced by 18 billion in its first year and for the 2024 budget only 9 billion pesos would have ended up being approved, putting it in check. to this new legal body whose objectives are to ensure the right to equal opportunities, inclusion, eliminate any form of discrimination, promote a comprehensive approach to autistic people in the social, health and education spheres, in addition to raise awareness in society about this issue.

“The Government has not understood the importance and urgent need to have accurate statistics on how many people are autistic in Chile, we are losing a tremendous opportunity and ignoring a Law that apparently is beginning to be a dead letter”said the president of Autismo Rancagua, Elizabeth Escobedo, a local group with extensive experience and which today has among its users children and young people from the entire region, who also emphasizes that this action violates international treaties and closes the door to the possibility of generating appropriate strategies for each region and its needs. “We have been asking for a registry of autism for a decade, knowing how many people we are talking about, where they live, is a necessity and a human right, not a demand, but fundamental data to bring the Autism Law to reality” Elizabeth Escobedo closed.

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