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In this cafeteria you can “eat Chayanne” for dessert

Chayanne for dessert, to generate smiles! Photo: Getty

Chayanne, the interpreter of the classic “Tiempo de waltz”, is one of the characters most adored by the female sector, and its products are highly requested; Therefore, can you imagine a Chayanne for dessert? Well, even if you don’t believe it, the mexican creativity It paid off once again and you can now eat it! Or, it can serve as a gift for the Mother’s day.

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Who made Chayanne’s dessert?

Imagine a Chayanne for dessert perhaps it will be easier now for all of us, after an establishment located in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, will blow the fence and create this food worthy of any table. The business is called Skim and they are in charge of doing desserts traditional, such as:

He menu es miscellaneous and very colorful, even, so you can see the publications in Facebook about this business Veracruzpotatoes and pizzas would also be offered.

Chayanne dessert presentations

The creations of Chayanne for dessert you can find them in two presentations; Those in charge of the business exemplify it this way:

  • Pastel type: The image of the Puerto Rican singer can be seen on what appears to be a cake, and he is seen wearing an open brown jacket, also without a shirt. This without also coming out with the soap opera smile to attract more customers.
  • Drink type: This presentation comes out as a milkshake or frappe, where you can notice the chantilly and many strawberries that accompany a small decoration of the singer, who has the same smile as the cake

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How much does Chayanne dessert cost?

He Chayanne for dessert It does not have any price in the publication of Skim; However, what is known is that they are promoting it as gift ideal for moms. Los requests They can be done by telephone and it is requested that it be done at least 3 hours in advance before going for them.

What do you think of this idea? Surely your mother could have the same smile as the singer, something that was very ingenious on the part of those in charge of this business, don’t you think?

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