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In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, Denmark opens the door to American soldiers

Denmark announced on Thursday that it would open the door to the presence of American soldiers and military “equipment” on its soil as part of a new bilateral agreement aimed at facilitating the movement of American troops in Europe, in the midst of tensions. between the West and Russia.

“The United States has reached out to Denmark by offering bilateral defense cooperation,” in addition to NATO, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at a press conference. “The exact form that this collaboration will take has not yet been defined, but it could include the presence of American soldiers, equipment and military equipment on Danish soil,” said the head of government.

“NATO and the United States are the guarantors of our security”

The negotiations undertaken for this future agreement have not been precipitated by the current crisis between Russia and Ukraine, affirmed the Danish Prime Minister, while acknowledging that the current crisis “illustrates”, according to Copenhagen, the need of enhanced cooperation.

“NATO and the United States are the guarantors of our security, which is why we stand together with the United States when Western values ​​such as democracy and freedom are called into question”, underlined the Minister. of Defense Morten Bødskov. The Nordic country, which notably fought alongside the Americans in Iraq, has become one of Washington’s closest allies in Europe over the past two decades.

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