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in China, the inhabitants of Beijing fear a new confinement


Article written by

E.Lagrade, A.Miguet, G.Caron, A.Plu

France 3

France Televisions

In China, Tuesday April 26, the inhabitants of Beijing are numerous to stock up in supermarkets. Some fear a confinement like that of Shanghai.

Tuesday, April 26, the inhabitants of Beijing (China) rush to carry out their mandatory antigen tests. They will have to do three this week, in order to curb the spread of Covid-19. “I am for this zero Covid policy to control the virus and I do everything possible to cooperate”, says Zhang Yifan, a resident of Beijing. Officially, since Friday April 22, the city has had 92 new cases of Covid-19. The inhabitants of a residence, in which a case has been detected, must stay at home for at least 14 days.

Other streets are blocked in certain neighborhoods, preventing residents from leaving. Pekingese fear they will suffer the same drastic confinement as Shanghai (China), where residents have been isolated for five weeks and lack food. For several days, Beijing residents have been rushing to supermarkets to stock up.

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