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In Almaty, looters shot the “father of Kazakh hip-hop” Saken Bitaev

The intruders, trying to take away the car from the rapper, shot him in the lung. The artist died on the spot.

On Thursday, January 6, rap artist and director Saken Bitaev was shot dead by marauders in the Kazakh city of Almaty. The artist died of a gunshot wound to the lung, without waiting for the arrival of an ambulance. About this on Facebook reported friend Bitayev journalist Daniyar Adilbekov.

According to the author of the post, the rapper and his friend wanted to take away the car in which they were sitting. Saken Bitaev was sitting in the passenger seat. When the car tried to drive away from the rioters, they opened fire.

“The crowd came up from behind and began to open the doors. The guys gassed and the looters started shooting at the trail of the leaving car. One bullet pierced Saken’s lung and Saken is no longer with us,” said the musician’s comrade.

Photo: Facebook / Daniyar Adilbekov

Adilbekov called Saken Bitaev “one of the most talented directors” and “the father of Kazakh hip-hop.” According to him, there is not a single person in the Kazakh rap culture who does not know about the brainchild of the deceased – the Salamalec sound project.

Adilbekov also said that Bitaev’s parents cannot take the body of the deceased home, since there are not enough law enforcement officers in Almaty to document the fact of his death.

“The perpetrators were not found either, and I think they are unlikely to be found,” the author of the publication wrote.

Saken Bitaev, Sakena Bitaeva killed, Saken Bitaev Kazakhstan, Salamalec sound, Salamalec stuff

Daniyar Adilbekov’s Facebook post

Meanwhile, the former adviser to the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, said that an uprising in the republic representatives of the highest echelons of power are involved… According to him, the security forces deliberately handed over critical facilities in Almaty to the rebels.

Also Focus wrote about how on Thursday, January 6, in Almaty for several hours there were street battles between opponents of the government and government forces.

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