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in 2022 Draghi the bar

Harsh government crackdown on casual self-employment. The government intends to oppose not so much the form of work itself, but rather its improper use.

Let’s see what are the innovations introduced by the Draghi government to regulate this kind of work more clearly. Legislative Decree 146 2021 has given the employer a real obligation to communicate when starting a business with occasional self-employed workers. In essence it is something not so different from what happens for so-called work intermittent. This communication obligation goes to clarify and better protect the worker who provides occasional self-employment. The employer can use various means to communicate this type of occasional relationship to the National Labor Inspectorate. But if he does not communicate it, he faces a fine ranging from 500 to € 2,500. But for the employer it gets worse.

Suspension of activities

Let’s assume that the employer undergoes an investigation. If in this assessment it emerges that 10% of the workers actually employed are in a situation of occasional self-employment and lacking the communication required by law, it can even face a real suspension of the activity. Consequently, in 2022 for occasional self-employment comes a condition of greater protection. On the one hand we have a preventive communication to the National Labor Inspectorate which aims to clarify the relationship between the company and the employee and on the other we even have the very harsh sanction of the suspension of activities where this communication has not been put in place.

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As mentioned, the irregular situation must involve at least 10% of workers.

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Therefore a clear change in this type of employment relationship.

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