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Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning in African Countries: Conference Highlights Need for Reform

Dakar, Jan 2 (APS) – Mathematics teaching remains an important issue in most African countries, with evaluations of organizations and structures mandated by the Conference of Ministers of Education of Sub-Saharan African countries having the français ensharement (Confemen) having revealed the need to improve the teaching and learning of this discipline at all levels, underlined the secretary general of this body of the Francophonie.

If the results of the Confemen’s educational systems analysis program (Pasec) of 2014 and 2019 showed that many countries, including Senegal, have made enormous efforts in the teaching of mathematics, much remains to be done. to do in this area, noted Abdel Rahmane Baba-Moussa.

He made this observation during the first consensus conference on the teaching and learning of mathematics, held recently in Dakar.

According to the Secretary General of Confemen, “it is necessary to review the methods, content and training in order to properly teach this fundamental discipline”.

The consensus conference organized in Dakar is an initiative of the Conference of Ministers of Education of States and Governments sharing French (CONFEMEN). It is initiated in partnership with the National Center for the Study of School Systems (Cnesco) of France, with the support of the French Development Agency and the Ministry of National Education of Senegal.

This first consensus conference in Africa on the teaching and learning of mathematics was a forum for the different actors and partners to look into the problem and propose possible solutions, underlined the Secretary General of Confemen.

“Teaching and learning mathematics”, the theme chosen for this conference, is justified by “the inadequacies observed in mathematics in almost all countries”, he explained.

These inadequacies were noted “both at the level of students and at the level of teachers, with a drop in performance of students at the end of school”, he said.

The general secretary of CONFEMEN also underlined that studies carried out in bilingual classes have shown that students who learn with their mother tongue are more responsive and better at mathematics than other students in traditional classes.

Which, for him, is equivalent to saying that the language of instruction can also be an obstacle to the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Thus, to “compensate with this situation”, Confemen wishes to continue its support for the benefit of French-speaking sub-Saharan countries to help them implement the culture of evaluation in their educational systems.


2024-01-03 00:13:09
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