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Importance of Water for Diabetes Sufferers: Prevent Dehydration and Control Blood Sugar Levels


KOMPAS.com – Diabetes sufferers need to meet their fluid needs by drinking sufficient amounts of water every day.

According to internal medicine specialist Andi Khomeini Takdir Haruni, diabetes sufferers need to drink water to avoid dehydration.

Dehydration is an excessive lack of fluids in the body which risks affecting the sugar, mineral and salt content in the body.

If this condition occurs, it is feared that diabetes sufferers will experience non-ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia.

Meanwhile, non-ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia is a condition when blood sugar levels increase drastically.

This condition causes the body of diabetics to excrete a lot of fluid through urine to get rid of accumulated blood sugar and can increase the risk of dehydration.

“The importance of water for diabetic people is to meet the needs of diabetic friends,” said Andi to Kompas.com, Saturday (23/9/2023).

Drink water for diabetes sufferers

A specialist in internal medicine who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) at the University of Indonesia (UI), Ari Fahrial Syam, explained the amount of water that diabetes sufferers need to drink.

He said, actually there is no difference in water consumption between diabetics and non-diabetics.

However, diabetes sufferers usually experience three main symptoms called 3P symptoms, namely polyuria, polydipsia and polyphag.

Polyuria means urinating a lot, polyphag means feeling hungry easily, and polydipsia means feeling thirsty easily.

“So, he (a diabetic sufferer) keeps getting thirsty, he drinks a lot and then he also eats a lot,” said Ari to Kompas.com, Saturday (23/9/2023).

“Finally, if your blood sugar is high, it will attract water, so you will feel thirsty,” he continued.

Because there is no difference in water consumption between diabetics and non-diabetics, those diagnosed with diabetes are advised to consume 30-50 cc of water per kilogram of body weight.

“Or a general rule of thumb is 8-10 glasses (of water) per day. “So, once again there is no difference between diabetics and non-diabetics,” explained Ari.

Nevertheless, he reminded that water consumption for diabetes sufferers must pay attention to the patient’s kidney function.

“If it has decreased, there will be restrictions on the number,” said Ari.

Ari also explained that there is no specific time for diabetes sufferers to drink water, whether in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Benefits of drinking water

Apart from preventing dehydration in diabetes sufferers, there are several other benefits behind consuming water regularly.

Reporting from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) page, see the benefits of drinking water below:

Healthy body Increases concentration Helps eliminate toxins in the body Prevents weight gain Prevents dehydration.

Characteristics of healthy water

People who want to get the benefits of drinking water also need to pay attention to the characteristics of healthy water.

The characteristics of healthy water can be seen below:

Water has no smell. No impurities. Water must be clear because cloudy water is usually contaminated with dangerous substances. It has no taste.

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2023-09-26 06:22:03
#water #diabetics #drink #FKUI #Health #Info #FKUI

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