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Importance of a “rational” background fertilizer in horticultural crops

Nitrogen (N) is the nutrient that most frequently limits production in horticultural crops, and setting the right times for fertilizer application is essential for a good supply of soil nutrients to crops. The fertilization strategies The most efficient with the use of nutrients are those in which the fertilizer is divided.

But it is true that the ground has a nutrient reserve capacity, and that in a good management of fertilization should be taken into account.

Fertilization practices that include bottom fertilization and fertigation have been recommended in horticultural crops by many authors. In fact, the application of N and K before planting in the root zone provides some optimal growing conditions for a period of time when irrigation may not be necessary.

Therefore, the subscriber in fund combined with fertigation reduces nutrient leaching, increases NUE (N use efficiency) and increases yields when compared to fertilizer practices where all nutrients are applied at planting or by drip irrigation system.

In addition, today we have fertilizers with technology, such as the ENTEC® range that allows us to be more efficient with the N applied in the background and reduce losses to the environment.

ENTEC® incorporates the technology of nitrification inhibitors, that delay the activity of bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas, responsible for the transformation of ammonium (NH4+) to nitrate (NO3). Nitrogen is fully available to plants from its application, but it remains in the soil in the form of ammonia for a longer period of time and this minimizes the risk of loss due to washing.

EuroChem, in collaboration with research centers and universities, has studied the subscriber practices which include the combination of bottom fertilization with ENTEC® + fertigation in recent years. As an example, in 2019, the Cajamar Foundation experimentation center in Paiporta carried out a trial to compare conventional fertigation systems (100%) with background fertilizer strategies with ENTEC® (35%) and fertigation (65%) in the broccoli cultivation.

The practice with ENTEC bottom fertilizer® + fertigation increased early production by 51%, and total production by 5%. These data corroborated the results obtained in watermelon and lettuce trials (2017-18) and Chinese cabbage (2017) in the same experimental station.

The background fertilizer combination with ENTEC® with fertigation he obtained 21% more production (commercial) of watermelons, 6% more lettuce and 14% more in Chinese cabbage than the treatment where only fertigation was used. Also demonstrating greater efficiency in the use of fertilizer.

ENTEC® helps to reduce N losses during the growth phases of less absorption of this nutrient and to leave more N available in the soil for the moments of greatest need. But it is also an ideal technology for covers or fertigation, since it favors a mixed nutrition of the crops with important physiological advantages for the plants, a greater absorption of other equally essential nutrients, and ultimately the obtaining of better crops and quality.

The results of these tests show that with ENTEC®, a part of the nitrogen could be applied in the background to improve the productivity of the crops, while minimizing the risk of losses of N.


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