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IMAC launches Municipal Prize for Art and Culture and Historical Support Program for Creation

For the first time, the Puebla City Council issued the call to award the Municipal Prize for Art and Culture, an award in which society, groups, foundations, universities and organizations can propose profiles.

On the subject, at a press conference, the director of the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture, Gerardo Oviedo Aguilar, announced that the publication of the results will be reported through the municipal government website on April 16.

The reception of applications will be until April 9 in the categories “Award for Cultural Merit” and “Award for Community Management”, later the results will be published on April 16 and on the 23 of the same month the awards and recognitions will be delivered.

All information is available on the page www.pueblacapital.gob.mx, which has a version in Spanish and another in Nahuatl.

“For the Municipal Prize of Art and Culture of Puebla the call has already been published so that all organizations and all cooperative societies such as collectives, foundations and universities can propose candidates to show profiles to obtain this award”.

Similarly, documents will be received from April 5 to 9 for the third edition of the Historical Support Program for Creation, where artists, composers and writers will be able to access economic benefits simply by showing that they are creating.

In her participation, the head of the City theater, Angelica Calvario Hernandez provided the World Theater Day activities that will take place digitally from March 23 to 29.

He pointed out that the program will have more than 70 participants who will give different workshops, conferences, radio soap operas and plays for children, youth and adults.

“We also have World Theater Day that will take place digitally from March 23 to 29 through a call that was issued on our social networks for all interested companies to participate.”

Oviedo Aguilar added that from April 1 to 3, the XIII edition of the “Passion Festival: Sacred Music” will be held to show the artistic and cultural development that the capital of Puebla obtained in New Spain.

“We have the thirteenth edition of the Passion Festival, a necessary and urgent event this season especially to stay at home and privilege health over other circumstances ”.

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