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Illness in Ndicka, Lotito against Udinese and Roma: “Match stopped due to a yellow code”

There are those who go against the flow of the applause decreed in Udinese and Rome for the sensitivity shown in interrupting the match last Sunday while the worst was feared for Evan Ndicka’s health. It is Claudio Lotito who believes, however, that the decision was too hasty. For him the match should not have been interrupted or it should have been finished that same evening. The website of ‘La Stampa’ reports it.

“They stopped the match for a yellow code…”

On the sidelines of the National Council of Forza Italia, his party, the president of Lazio and vice-president of the Football League did not hold back when reporters asked him for his opinion on the episode: “Let’s face it, they stopped a match for a code yellow”. he said bluntly. True but it should also be underlined that, at first, as soon as the player was taken to the changing rooms, Ndicka’s illness didn’t seem like a trivial thing: the first superficial diagnoses hadn’t ruled out a heart attack and the players (even opponents) were shaken. Certainties only came from hospital tests: chest trauma. Even though this was pointed out to him, Lotito insisted: “But then we could start playing again that same evening”, he concluded before reaching the buffet.

#Illness #Ndicka #Lotito #Udinese #Roma #Match #stopped #due #yellow #code
– 2024-04-21 04:02:06

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