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Iglesias, to Vox: “You are not even fascists, you are parasites” | Politics

The second vice president of the Government and minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Pablo Iglesias, has described Vox as “miserable“for using” death to do politics “, in reference to the accusations that those of Santiago Abascal have directed towards him for his management during the COVID-19 crisis in the nursing homes. “They are not fascists, they are parasites”, has pointed.

Iglesias has made these statements during his speech in Congress, in response to an inquiry addressed to him this Wednesday by the deputy of Vox María de la Cabeza Ruíz, who has exposed in the gallery the figures of the group known in this pandemic: 25,000 elderly infected in the centers and 15,000 deaths, which is a 70% of deaths during the health crisis.

Ruíz has asked the second vice president not to blame the autonomous communities for this situation because, although they are the ones with powers in this matter, in his opinion, with the declaration of the state of alarm, the Government starts to manage these centers. That is why has reproached Iglesias for turning the residences “into a house of horrors”, “leaving them to their own devices” and preventing residents from entering and leaving the facilities. “Locked up and sentenced to death,” said the deputy.

In his speech, he has also criticized the fact that “prohibit” the sale of protective equipment to professionals, “as providers have denounced” or older people have been “discriminated” in access to hospitals or ICUs when, as reported, there were more than 2,000 “free” beds in private healthcare. Similarly, he has questioned the second vice president about the reason why patients had not been transferred to other provinces more relieved in the crisis.

“The responsibilities were shaken, blaming the residences that are bind where the elderly are cared for, not cured, and that they fulfilled their indications with very poor means,” said the representative of Vox, who has asked the leader of Podemos to “ask for forgiveness” and “go” of the Executive.

“Miserable” speech

This speech has been qualified by Churches of “miserable” for “using death to do politics and for talking about families” when, in his opinion, Santiago Abascal’s party “has not supported” in Congress “not one of the measures” implemented by his department in this matter, such as the prohibition of dismissals due to COVID-19, the prohibition of evictions or the cut of basic supplies, as well as the declaration of residences as preferred to receive protection material or to hire reinforcements, for which it has been allocated, explained the second vice president, 300 million euros that the autonomies had to distribute.

He has also considered Vox “miserable” for “criticize euthanasia in context” in which the country is located. In this sense, he has indicated that the formation “has few scruples” and has accused him of “disguising his speech of religious values”, when Pope Francis is making statements that, in his opinion, do not go in the same line as Vox. “They represent hatred, hypocrisy and moral misery and I assure you that Spain and our people will get rid of, for the second time in the 20th century, the filth they represent, “he declared.

Faced with these accusations, Ruíz has responded by pointing out that the Podemos leader has no “scruples” and reminded him that he has “betrayed himself and those who trusted him” to become Executive Vice President. “He has changed his ideals, just as he has changed the shirts for the jacket”, has reproached him. In this sense, he has reminded him that he is now responsible for Social Rights and, therefore, for nursing homes, in collaboration with autonomies and municipalities. For the deputy, Iglesias now has the opportunity to demonstrate that she complies with her speeches about helping the most vulnerable.

Criticize the residency model

The second vice president, for his part, has denounced that Vox does not speak, when it comes to the elderly, about the situation of the residency model in Spain and has referred to news reports that the large groups that own these centers are “vulture funds and corrupt businessmen”. “They have not said a single word about what has implied that a good part of the residences managed by the autonomous communities are in the hands of corrupt and vulture funds, because they are not a Spanish party, they are unpatriotic and they represent the interests of those corrupt and vulture funds, “he pointed out.

In this sense, he has insisted that Vox has not supported the government’s measures in this matter because they are “against families and homeland.” “They are a party with great surnames and little shame”, He has pointed out, to add that Vox “has no more homeland than its money.”

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