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| If you look at the moon … | Mangalam

Buzz Aldrin lost control when he heard the repeated question: “Have you really been to the moon?” His fist fell on the interrogator’s face. “Do not mislead the young” – he continued after the warning. That incident dates back to 2002.

Half a century later, the same question is asked again as NASA tries to get humans back to the moon. The first rocket of the Artemis mission is also overdue, and old NASA conspiracy theories are revived. The launch has been postponed several times. Now NASA says Artemis-1 will be launched into space today. If it fails, they will try again on October 2nd.

A rocket prepared for bombing took off

It was the Cold War after World War II. Both the Soviet Union and the United States have amassed a large number of nuclear weapons and rockets. But it was not to be used. It was then that Russia began to conquer the skies by upgrading her rockets. In 1957, the Russian Sputnik went into space. Sputnik 2 also achieved another feat by sending a dog (Leica) into space (Leica did not come back alive.). In 1959, a Russian mission reached lunar orbit. Russia’s next record was Yuri Gagarin in space in 1961. The US role was that of a spectator. The world felt their pride was hurt.

United States for the reply. Direct. It was then that an idea arose in the mind of a general. “Bomb the moon”. With the creation of NASA in 1958, decisions were made by scientists. The decision was made to send men to the moon. President John F. Kennedy has announced it. The money went into NASA to save pride. In 1966, the United States NASA received 4.5% of the budget. In today’s calculation, the amount is close to $ 43 billion (approximately Rs. 3.42.714 crore). On July 24, 1969, Neil Armstrong and his crew landed on the moon with Apollo 11. The United States beat the Soviet Union in the Space Race left behind.

No, the United States is a lie!

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were greeted by the moon. The United States has again won the Apollo several times. The astronauts have landed on the moon. A total of six flights, 12 people reached the moon. The dust and rock of the moon reached the earth. They also reached out to various research institutes.

It was from the United States that the conspiracy theory emerged. The doubts were caused by the images of the Apollo mission. After 1972, US Travelers did not travel to the moon.

Skeptics say

Bill Kessing claims he has secret documents proving NASA’s claim is a hoax. CIA to kill him. Three attempts have been made.

However, those who reject this argument claim that the work of four lakh people was behind the Apollo missions. Even the enemy, the Soviet Union, did not deny the Apollo missions. An image of the Apollo moon landing areas was taken by a NASA satellite in 2011. This was released later. Satellites from the Japanese space agency JAXA have also provided images demonstrating the Apollo moon landing. The laser reflectors installed by NASA on the Moon are still operational.

Don’t you go to the moon for half a century?

With the United States winning the space “war” The enthusiasm of the administration has waned. Subsequently, the main challenge for NASA was the cost of money. The last spacecraft was Apollo 17 in 1972. Subsequently, the landing of men on the moon was interrupted. Instead, he followed projects like Voyager, Juno, and James Webb to explore other planets and the solar system.

NASA has also begun to rely on rovers to study alien planets. Examples of rovers like Perseverance and Curiosity launched on Mars. With this, travelers have had more risk-free learning opportunities. The International Space Station has become an excellent research facility.


Over the past 50 years, all vehicles on Earth have increased in speed. But Artemis is a little slower. The first mission (Artemes-1) traveled with sensors attached to the dummies. Hopefully, man will set foot on the moon in 2025 with Artemis-3. Although the Artemis-2 mission included humans, they only reached lunar orbit and returned. The 20.92 lakh kilometer journey will be completed in 42 days. The cost is Rs 7.43 lakh crore.

In 1969, Apollo 11, which landed Neil Armstrong on the moon, took four days, six hours and 45 minutes to reach the moon. But it took more than a week for Artemis’s crew to reach the moon. The Orion probe will enter the lunar orbit six days after the start of its journey. Then around the moon for 13 days. The return trip to Earth will take place on the 24th day after the start of the trip. Return to Earth on the 43rd day. At some point during its journey, the Orion spacecraft will arrive within 64,000 kilometers of Earth. With this, the passengers of that spacecraft will have the honor of being the furthest humans from Earth. The probe will reach 100 km near the moon.

NASA’s next goal is to open a human field on the moon. The probes that are part of it are in the design phase. NASA is collaborating with Canadian and Japanese space agencies for a space station in lunar orbit. The Artemis Four mission will mark the launch of the space station.

There was no wind, so how did the flag fly?

The questions of the skeptics were also relevant. Bill Keissing, head of Rocketdyne publication, was among the first to appear on the scene. Next up was Marcus Allen, who releases Nexus in the UK.

These were their questions.

The atmosphere on the moon is in name only. However, in the video released by NASA, the US flag is waving.

-The moon receives light only from the sun. But, in the same image, the shadows are in many directions.

– Since there is no atmosphere, the sky of the moon is illuminated by the stars. But there is not even a star in the Apollo images.

-Gravity is very weak on the Moon (gravity on Earth is 9.8 m / s, 9.8 to 1.63 m / s). But travelers travel as if they were on earth.

– A 16-ton lander will crash and create a crater. If with the help of rockets, the surrounding dust will be blown away. But there is no such indication in the pictures. The images of travelers’ feet are also sharp.

– Computers used in the Apollo missions were unable to store files or analyze images. So how exactly was he able to land. Even during the test flight to Earth, Neil Armstrong was unable to land the probe properly.

– The flag is made of nylon. Nylon will transmit light. It is tied in aluminum tube. When Pep planted it, she moved like a spring. This is the secret of the movement.

– Passenger spacesuit and lander glow will reflect light. It will change the shadows.

– The moon is clear. There is a limit to the light settings on the camera. When focusing on near objects, distant objects appear slightly out of focus. The cameras for the moon landing did not have a viewfinder. They were mounted separately in the spacesuit. So it wasn’t properly focused. The exposure was also not adjustable.

– Gravity is low. But the travelers received special training.

– The probe dropped slowly. A thin layer of dust particles is visible in the images.

– The treatment took place in mission control.

Tip: if you land on the moon directly as on Earth …

What if we landed on the moon without any special preparation? The cost of living air will increase in the first second. However, humans can survive for 15 seconds without oxygen. The body works with oxygen in the blood. Since there is no atmospheric pressure, the body begins to inflate like a balloon. The nitrogen in the body mixes with the blood in small bubbles. But the body will not explode. The lungs will be in crisis. Body water evaporates in seconds. The daytime temperature on the moon is 127 degrees Celsius. And minus 173 degrees Celsius at night. This is enough to kill a man in seconds. However, the temperature of lunar evenings can be tolerated to some extent by humans. Even if the temperature is favorable, there is no escape. The Earth has a magnetic field to block the sun’s radiation. Not on the moon. The Earth has an ozone layer to protect us from UV rays. A meteor shower can occur at any time. There is no atmosphere to save. Moon dust is positively charged. If it enters the body, it can damage the lungs. The solar wind occasionally hits the moon. Once they hit the body, they don’t even last seconds.

NASA has prepared special suits to allow Artemis passengers to walk on the moon. The weight is 91 kg. He can walk for eight hours. (Don’t be afraid of the 91kg weight on the moon. It doesn’t feel heavy due to the low gravity.)

Matteo M. Giorgio

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