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if you apply this to Sunburn, you are actually doing more harm than good

If someone asked me, as a beauty editor, the most important thing I do to keep my skin healthy, glowing, and overall looking, I would spit out, “Wear sunscreen!” Faster than I got for a glass of wine at 5pm on a Friday. Silly things? I was too afraid to follow my own advice. Importance Prioritize sun protection Every day has been drilled into my brain since I was a teenager, but warnings about potential sun damage, Skin cancer, I have grown exponentially since I became a beauty editor and suddenly I can achieve Dermatologist, facialists, and even celebrities raved about the importance of gliding every day. Here are the requirements: Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, but it is the most preventable type of cancer.

My personal belief with sunscreen is that my wrinkled, acne-prone skin has a hard time feeling alive with things, and for years, I considered sunscreen-induced acne far worse than any potential future sun damage. (Powerful words, I know.) Over the years, I’ve gotten a lot better about regular sun protection, pretty much the same. The newest and best formulaBut I’m still not perfect, Especially Whenever I am in a different climate than my skin, they usually wear out and forget to adjust my sun protection routine as needed.

You may already know where this anecdote is headed, but that’s where I went wrong a few months ago. I was having a weekend in Palm Springs with a friend, I forgot to put on my sunscreen, and I ended up with one of the worst facial burns of my life. I’m red, itchy, flaky, mottled, and all shibanging, and it scares me that, contrary to the old advice of applying aloe to burns—which I always do to my body but never does—I don’t. t. Oh really I know how to treat burns to make sure the situation doesn’t get worse. Of course, I know enough to avoid some of my favorite exfoliating and retinol products, but honestly, I’m totally confused. So I was inspired to write this article and hooked up with an expert who could load me with information if – God forbid – this happened again. Below, a New York dermatologist Orit Markowitz, MDAnd She shares all her best information about what sunburn really is, how to treat it like a pro, common mistakes and misconceptions, and more. Keep scrolling!

But first, what exactly he is Sunburn?

Markowitz told me that like all wounds, sunburns need essential moisture to speed healing and prevent scarring. “The skin becomes inflamed, red, and swollen because when something attacks the body, the body’s vessels automatically dilate and a lot of fluid enters the area,” he explained. “Using visible imaging modalities under sunburned skin such as a light biopsy – also known as confocal reflection microscopy – we can see cell swelling and enlargement and the direct visible damage from UV exposure. This is why so many treatments for sunburn are aimed at reducing this. swelling and let the cells recover.”

What types of materials and products should you prioritize after a sunburn?

First things first, Markowitz recommends using an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol or Advil to ease the inflammatory response our bodies experience after a burn.

You can also cover inflamed skin with cold aloe vera gel mixed with benzocaine or use an over-the-counter cooling 1% hydrocortisone cream mixed with over-the-counter pramoxine (a local anesthetic) to help soothe the skin and reduce sunburn. frequent heat can exacerbate sunburn.” He added.

Drug Store:

Tylenol Extra Strength Quick Release Gel With Acetaminophen ($7)

seven metals Organic Aloe Vera Gel with 100% Pure Aloe Vera ($20)

oragel 20% drug benzocaine treatment ($6)

cortisone 10 Maximum Strength Aloe Vera Cream ($6)

angel Moisturizing cream for itching relief cream with pramoxine hydrochloride ($19)

On the other hand, what types of ingredients and products should I avoid?

Are you ready for this? Although it may seem natural to achieve it Your favorite moisturizer To nourish skin drenched in hydration, Markowitz says to hold it in and stop it, especially if you’re using a formula that contains preservatives, which can further irritate sunburned skin.

“I recommend to stay away from it That Commercial moisturizers, because they tend to clog the skin, cause more damage,” she warns. General Moisturizing Moisturizer (such as hyaluronic acid, panthenol, sodium lactate, glycol, glycerol, alpha hydroxy acids, and/or beta hydroxy acids), which can further aggravate rough and exposed skin, along with Anything harsh that exfoliates the skin, such as retinol. Instead, she recommends choosing something as simple as Vaseline.


Vaseline genuine petroleum jelly ($4)

How can you change your routine in the days immediately following a sunburn?

“It is very important that this is not limited to Keep sunburnt skin away from the sun but also to maintain skin moistureMarkowitz notes. This is because sunburn continues to radiate heat, which increases the skin’s ability to heal. Also, try not to peel the burn, and allow the burn the time it takes to heal no matter how the skin feels like it’s about to peel off.”

Markowitz also notes that sometimes, Very serious sunburn may require the attention of a medical professionalFor example, if the burn starts to blister or begins to peel immediately after the burn. “When any of these things happen, it’s time to get a specialist to help with healing to prevent scarring or infection,” he says.

What are the most common burn myths you should know?

Myth #1: “I can’t get sunburnt on a cloudy day.”

We hope you know this by now, but for the folks in the back, Markowitz reminds us that the sun still burns the clouds and can trick us into thinking we don’t get the sun. “It’s always best to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15, and it should also contain ingredients that protect against ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays,” she says.

experienced Maintain Daily Minerals Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 35 ($22)

black girl sunscreen Moisturizing sunscreen lotion spf 30 ($16)

Myth 2: “I only get sun when I’m in the sun”

Sure, we may not wear bikinis 24/7, but we Becomes Constantly exposed to the sun’s harmful rays. Markowitz reminds us, “We are in the sun every day without realizing it just by maintaining our basic daily activities such as walking the dog, taking mail outside, driving in the car, or just taking a walk.” “Some parts of our bodies are often neglected from sun protection. For example, the skin on our hands is exposed to the same harmful effects of the sun and the environment as the face, especially because we rarely cover it. Lips are also often exposed to the sun. neglected for sun protection, especially For outdoor enthusiasts, I also recommend using a lipstick or lip balm that contains sunscreen for extra protection.

Good work! SPF 40 . hand screen ($14)

color Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm SPF 50 – Collection of 3 ($69)

next: 17 Transparent Sunscreens That Are Actually Transparent On Black Girls Too

This article originally appeared what are you wearing

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