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“If they spent 100 million on the market”

Gasperini spoke to L’Eco di Bergamo talking about the Champions fight which today sees the Goddess among the main candidates

Gian Piero Gasperini spoke to L’Eco di Bergamo talking about the fight Champions which today sees the Goddess among the main candidates:

«We intruders among the big names? We think about our size. We played for safety, then to stay in the top ten, now we are there with the big names. And only Inter and Juve perhaps have something more, with the others we are competitive, as confirmed by the games played. Then maybe Milan and Napoli spend 100 million and move away, but you can think of staying with these teams. Do I say ‘by intruders’? For size yes. But you have to move in advance. There is everything to be able to do it, and I must say that this year we are already planning and moving forward. I think of the market “rumors” about our players. They still treat us as the place to raid. Maybe they want to disturb them without realizing that the club and the environment here are strong, very strong. I agree with those who say that the field counts. We are Atalanta, we will not be distracted. For some reason we annoy everyone a little. For those in front we are intruders, for those behind an opportunity for revenge ».

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