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If Platforms Were Urban Landscapes: A Tongue-in-Cheek Take on Streaming Services

If the world of platforms were urban landscapes, Netflix would be the gentrified center from which the most exquisite neighbors flee and who are now only frequented by foreigners without criteria who are just as likely to gobble up a pre-cooked paella as they are to pour sangria from a bottle. HBO Max would be that neighborhood that was fashionable and today is populated by spring onion grandparents who met Tony Soprano and talk about the Golden Age of Series, in capital letters, as if it were a historical era with a historiographical consensus, like the Illustration or the Romanticism.

Filmin is a suburb full of skaters, young people with Rosalía’s nails and asthenic young men who speak an affected Spanglish and study audiovisual communication. Disney would be Disney, without more, and Sky Showtime, an afternoon at Ikea in which one goes to buy two chandeliers and a frame for a photo and ends up ordering an entire bedroom. Flixolé would be the town of your childhood if your grandfather had known more than VHF, and RTVE, the public library from which you have never taken out a book, but you like to have in the neighbourhood. Ana Rujas is in Atresplayer, and we all like Ana Rujas, although after a while we don’t know if we’ve slipped into an ironic party (they satirize something, but we don’t know what) for which we don’t wear the right clothes. Apple TV would be that discreet cocktail bar that people with pasta frequent, where they prepare the drinks well, but they charge very expensive and you always suspect that they put a hidden jug with a lot of turmeric and a lot of cucumber.

These landscapes also resemble modern cities in the predictable way. The television flâneur walks through a tourist set that offers what the tourist wants. They are not cities to be lived in and, therefore, life in them does not surprise or spark or excite.

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2023-08-06 03:30:22
#boring #walk #boredom #platforms

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