Home » today » Health » “If I smell rotten, tell me,” Fanni said to her colleagues – 2024-05-12 07:23:35

“If I smell rotten, tell me,” Fanni said to her colleagues – 2024-05-12 07:23:35

Fanni Norman suffers from painful HS disease. However, it took several years to get a diagnosis, which added to the emotional burden.

Purulent sweat gland inflammation, or HS disease, is a part A fan of Norman, 34, life. Painful and purulent pads are painful.

– The pain they cause is like a blade being pushed into the body. The liquid coming out of the pan smells like rotting death, Norman sighs.

The first Patti appeared on Norman’s armpit in 2017. He was afraid it was cancer.

– I was really afraid of it. It was a big relief when the doctor said it wasn’t cancer. The deep-seated pustule was thought to be caused by a follicular infection, and I was prescribed a course of antibiotics.

A course of antibiotics did not help, and Patti stayed put.

– After that, I went to the doctor again. However, I didn’t get any help. The doctor only stated that Patti wouldn’t go away at some point.

The doctor’s guess turned out to be correct, to say the least from its mild strangeness: Norman’s Patti finally dried up without breaking out.

After that, life went on normally until 2019.

– Then the new Patti appeared in the armpit. It was clearly bigger than the first pot. I went to the doctor again and assumed that it was a previously suspected folliculitis.

– The cyst was drained and I was prescribed a course of antibiotics and a week’s sick leave. I thought that would fix it.

The situation is getting worse

A course of antibiotics did not help. Patti renewed, and more appeared on the cocks and breasts. Over time, visits to the doctor became familiar to Norman.

– During 2019, I took ten more weeks of antibiotic courses. At the same time, the doctors emptied the tubs, but no permanent help came.

– The doctors were also still of the opinion that it was an inflammation of the hair follicles or an inflammation of the sweat glands.

One visit to the doctor was particularly memorable to Normani. At that time, the doctor was of the opinion that Patti is not ready to be drained.

– He didn’t cancel it despite my request and told me to come again the next day.

– I had a meeting on the same day, which I had to leave in the middle, because I felt my armpits getting wet. Patti had burst. The next day, the doctor just stated that nothing more needs to be done to the patient.

Norman began to suspect that there was something else behind the situation. He searched the internet for information based on his symptoms.

– HS disease emerged. Its symptoms matched mine. However, I did not share my thoughts with the doctors, as I trusted their perspectives.

Shame and operations

The pain brought by Pattie tormented Norman more one day and less the next.

– The worst pains were horrible. They were like what I described earlier, that is, it felt like a blade was being pushed into the body. In addition to the pain, there was a strong feeling of pressure in the groin area.

– Sometimes I couldn’t do anything with my hands, I couldn’t lift them down or up, because the pain was so crippling. The nights were also difficult. If there was pressure on the pot, it immediately woke up from sleep.

Norman was also afraid at first that the disgusting smell of the liquid coming from the pots would spread to other people’s noses.

– Fortunately, it didn’t spread far from me, which was lucky. However, I told my coworkers that if I smell rotten, let me know.

– At first I was afraid that they wouldn’t dare to tell me about it, but would talk behind my back. However, the suspicion turned out to be wrong. The biggest problem was my own fear of the strange thing.

Norman finally applied to the occupational health clinic, where he received a referral for ultrasound examinations of the armpits.

– Atheroma, or fat tumors, were found in both armpits.

Norman underwent operations for atheromas.

– The patties were cut off three times in two years. However, the operations were only of help for a while, because the pats came back.

– The doctors said that for some reason my atheroma regenerated faster than usual. I completely believed what they said.

The situation led Norman to dark thoughts.

– The situation felt completely hopeless at times. Even though the pats had been removed, they just kept coming. Itku was a familiar friend at the time, although my family provided important support.

After three surgeries, Norman’s everyday life went on as before. The spats and the pains they brought were severe. The size of the patties also gradually increased to the size of an egg.

– I got permission to come to the emergency reception every time the pads require a puncture and the fever rises. My temperature rose to about 39 degrees before emptying the tubs.

HS disease can be seen on Fanni Normani’s skin. The interviewee’s own album

Painful everyday life

Over time, Norman’s armpits began to break out on their own, as the skin had become very thin.

– I keep bandages on the bandages in case of breakouts. I also have nerve damage in my armpit during the surgery, which causes, for example, itching.

The situation was very difficult for Norman, because he didn’t believe that the underlying causes were only determined by the doctors.

– Of course, I was very worried about my health, because life with pain and stiffness was hard. A big shadow was still cast over everything by the uncertainty of what will be for me in the end. I still strongly suspected HS, because I thought my symptoms pointed to it.

Sick leave also became familiar. At the same time, thoughts were swirling.

– I think a lot about how my colleagues feel about me. I was afraid that they wouldn’t understand my frequent absences, which again was emotionally taxing.

In addition to people close to him, Norman drew strength from horses.

– I have looked after and driven our horses with my father. Of course, the illness limited this as well, but the horses otherwise gave a lot of positive energy.

Finally, last year it was time for a diagnosis. Before that, Norman started his nursing studies with an apprenticeship contract.

– I applied to an occupational health doctor, who sent me to a plastic surgeon. His instructions were to stop smoking. Of course, that comment seemed completely incomprehensible.

One day at a time

Norman went to the occupational health office again and got a referral to the dermatology clinic.

– There the doctor looked at me for a while and said at the same time that it was HS disease. In that moment, a stone dropped from my heart: I finally got the right name for the disease. However, the cause of the disease is unknown.

– I was started on medication, which luckily has helped somewhat. The most significant thing has been that the pads disappeared from my breasts. At worst, they had fifteen-cent patties.

After receiving the diagnosis, peer support has become a significant support.

– I have received a lot of additional information and support from other sufferers. I definitely recommend peer support to others.

The worsening of the disease is still present in the mind.

– When I take a shower, I always look to see if new spots appear, because it is possible for the disease to get worse. However, I am grateful that my situation is not nearly as difficult as that of many other sufferers.

Although it took Norman a long time to get the diagnosis, he doesn’t want to blame the doctors.

– It is a disease that is simply not yet known widely enough by all doctors. They could still refer patients in an unclear situation directly to a dermatologist.

Norman feels that the disease has changed his values ​​in life.

– I am more grateful for life and especially for pain-free moments. They are no longer automatic. Let’s move forward one day at a time.

#smell #rotten #Fanni #colleagues

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