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If first the big toe and then the other joints become swollen red and painful, the causes should be sought in this pathology

Very often traumatic events, bad habits protracted over time, the use of inadequate footwear could compromise the health of the big toe.

Finding yourself with a swollen and painful big toe is a wake-up call that should not be underestimated.

In fact, the inflamed big toe could be the symptom of a problem that would range from simple infection to much more serious pathologies.

Sometimes, if you don’t pay close attention when drying your feet after a shower or underestimate the choice of shoes or tights, you could be at risk of unintentionally damaging your health, not only to your big toe, but also to other joints. .

However some signs such as swelling, redness, pain could be obvious symptoms of diseases such as gout or bursitis

If first the big toe and then the other joints become swollen red and painful, the causes should be sought in this pathology

When the big toe suddenly becomes red, swollen and accompanied by sharp pain with difficulty moving, then it could be gout.

Gout is one metabolic diseasewhich causes inflammation of the joints as a result of the excessive deposits of uric acid that the body is no longer able to dispose of effectively.

Generally the first joints affected are those of the big toe but can also affect ankles, knees, wrists and fingers.

The excessive presence of uric acid in the circulation could depend both on dietary diets with high consumption of certain foods, and as collateral effect of some medications.

But also from kidney failure, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure and obesity.

The symptoms of gout are generally evident, characterized by acute attacks that last a few days and which tend to disappear spontaneously.

However, if not treated with the passage of time the attacks become more and more frequent spreading to other joints as well.

To be sure of the diagnosis it will be necessary to contact your doctor to carry out specific analyzes and therefore to resort to adequate medical therapy.

Some effective remedies

If the big toe first and then the other joints become swollen, then, it will be necessary to drink plenty of water to help the kidneys dispose of uric acid, limit alcohol consumption, maintain a balanced diet and an adequate body weight.

This will greatly contribute to limiting the risk of gout and its acute phases.

Foods at risk, as they could cause the body to produce more uric acid, are red meat, shellfish, anchovies, dried beans, peas and offal.

Recommended reading

If in the morning after waking up it is particularly difficult to move your wrists, neck and ankles, this could be the problem

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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