Home » today » News » ICONSIAM orders closure of famous clothing brands for 3 days after employees get infected with COVID-19

ICONSIAM orders closure of famous clothing brands for 3 days after employees get infected with COVID-19

ICONSIAM ordered the closure of famous branded clothing stores 3 days after employees were infected with COVID-19. Immediately asked to quarantine 14 days and be examined at the hospital.

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On January 23, ICONSIAM has issued an announcement via a Facebook fan page. With content that According to ICONSIAM, informed by cc-oo 2nd floor, one employee confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 due to close contact with infected patient and one employee from Shop CP-Hilai Harbor 6th floor

Therefore, ICONSIAM would like to notify the closure of the service area immediately for at least 3 days from 23-25 ​​January in accordance with the measures of surveillance and prevention. Continue strictly as follows:

1. The shop has given employees who suspect that they may have close contact with all patients. Stop working for 14 days and have a screening and testing for COVID-19 immediately at the hospital. In which the examination results will be closely monitored And will send new employees to perform their duties instead When the store can open for business

2. ICONSIAM has added Extra Big Cleaning with spray drying virus and bacteria in the air. And on all exposed surfaces From the night of 22-23 Jan, then sterilized with UV light and sprayed virus disinfectant. Bacteria in the air And on touch surfaces every day after closing Including at passenger ships

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