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Ice Cream Price Soars, Highest Increase in 14 Years

[아이스크림 가격 인상<사진=연합>]
In accordance with the government’s price stabilization policy, the price of some ramen, snacks, and bread has recently decreased, but the price of ice cream, a representative summer food, shows no sign of falling.

According to data from the National Statistical Office, the consumer price index for ice cream in May was 118.02, up 5.9% from the same month last year.

This is because ice cream companies raised product prices one after another in February this year following last year due to rising raw and subsidiary material prices, labor costs, and electricity and gas rates.

As a result, the consumer price index of ice cream for ice cream companies such as Lotte Well Food, Binggrae, and Haitai Ice Cream, a subsidiary of Binggrae, rose 13.7% compared to the same month last year.

This is the highest rate of increase in about 14 years since May 2009, during the global financial crisis.

This was higher than the increase rates of ramen (12.3%), snacks (11.2%), pies (11%), and bread (10.8%) during the same period.

2023-07-03 02:09:00
#Prices #ramen #snacks #bread #falling #ice #cream #prices #rising #year #Seoul #Media #Foundation #TBS

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